To most people, the month of September is seen as the beginning of fall, while to people like me, it is seen as the month dedicated to thousands of children all over the world fighting a fight like no other--fighting a battle for their own lives. September is recognized here in the United States as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. A month dedicated to putting a spotlight not only on the types of cancer that are affecting these children, but also on the beautiful children and families that are fighting this fight together.
Over the past few years, I have learned that people don’t know the facts of Childhood Cancer. I have also learned that people don’t realize how many children and families it really affects. Childhood Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 21. On average, 175,000 children worldwide are diagnosed with cancer each year. Of these, 15,780 of the children are United States citizens… and of the 15,780 approximately one fourth of these children lose their battle. Childhood cancers are said to be more deadly than asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and pediatric AIDs combined. The toughest thing about diagnosing Childhood Cancer is that most of the time the symptoms are similar to common illnesses in children, like the flu or even ear infections.
These children hold a special place in my heart, maybe because I want to work with them one day or because my sister was one of those ¼ that lost her fight, but nonetheless it breaks my heart that so many people don’t know what these kids suffer through. In October, pink is everywhere, and everyone all over knows why. It’s an amazing thing, that the fighters and survivors of Breast Cancer, and their families have so much support. But a part of me wonders… if more people knew about Childhood Cancer Month, then would the fighters, survivors, and families get more support? Would there be gold everywhere in support of them?
As someone who has experienced the loss of my sister due to Childhood Cancer, I can agree completely when people say that t’s a tough thing to talk about… but somebody has to start talking about it. These kids deserve more than they get – they deserve HOPE, LOVE, SUPPORT, and more than anything... they deserve a future.
For more information on Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and all about Childhood Cancer in general check out the links below.