We all do it. Remember when you never used social media and it was only phone calls, instant messenger, or even through post? When I was younger, people memorized phone numbers and addresses and made the effort to call each other to make plans and spend time together. Whenever I had to invite relatives for birthday parties and gatherings, my mom used to remember every single one of their contact numbers. Now, she just tells me to check her contacts on her phone.
I've been a social media user for a few years, and I've come to realize six major unspoken truths in this virtual world.
6. Some use it to be nosey.
It might have been intentional or not, but we've all done it once. It could have been when we were looking up that actor or actress from that one movie, or even seeing what your ex is up to, nowadays. Maybe he or she has completely moved on. If you're checking up on them this way, then it might be time for you to move on as well.
5. There are people who are not who they seem to be.
4. Some use it to motivate.
Motivation comes in various forms. Your friend just shared a video of these strangers helping a homeless person on the street, and it somehow, stirred your emotions, and pushed you to do the same. If you feed off of other people's re-blogs and shares of acts of kindness, then follow through with your motivation and act now.
3. It's useful for networking.
Originally, it seems that social media was used for business purposes and getting in touch with people from your own past. There are people who care about you to just like your post, but then there are those that care enough about you to actually make an effort to physically be in your life. Now, the online world has virtually exploded into selfies, filters, and re-posts of the latest viral entertainment.
2. It's easy to become nostalgic.
All of the posts, images, and gifs you scroll past on all of these sites with the hashtags are #tbt (throw back Thursday) or #fbf (flashback Friday), causes one to feel that rush of nostalgia. But tell me this: how can we move on if we keep looking back on the past?
1. It serves as a reminder to live, not hide.
Social media literally means to be social using media platforms. Just keep in mind that all the pictures, videos, and tweets you post will not define who you are. It won't show people the everyday you. Your worth is not measured by how many followers, friends, or likes you have on Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, etc. I mean, honestly, where do all the piles of liked posts go?
All of the status' and posts may briefly entertain you, or they may motivate you to do more about your own life. Try to break your attention away from those silver screens that have blocked you from making those sincere connections with the ones that mean most to you. In only a moment, you might miss the slight curve in the corner of someone's lips when they're about to smile at you, or you ruin a chance to actually get to know someone who could've been your best friend, husband, or wife.
Maybe you will experience some awkward but that's okay. It's real. It's genuine. It's life. You're supposed to experience the good and bad to grow and become better than who you used to be. So go live, and like eating sweets, use social media sparingly.