Every now and then a bad day turns into a bad week. If you have a really bad time it will turn into a bad month or worse… the dreaded bad semester!
It could be a friend is annoying you to no end; you did poorly in a class or two, relationship issues, the parents can be annoying you to death like they always seem to do, or it’s just one of those days.
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Now it is easy to start throwing the blame around to anyone and everyone. Thinking things like “my girl/boy friend is such a moron” or “I could kill my friends sometimes” or “my parents just don’t get it and I wish they would shut up.”
DON’T BREAK THINGS BECAUSE YOU ARE PISSED. It doesn’t do much in the grand scheme of things and causes more harm than good. Also don’t start fights with random people on the street or with your friends and family. Doesn’t do much either and you end up chasing the people who matter most away.
Good ways to get rid of all that frustration and anger are working out, and talking to people. It really is helpful just to get it out, even if it ends up in screaming and swearing.
Anger is a dangerous thing to work with. It clouds judgment and acting on impulse while angry doesn’t help anyone. Try to calm down as quickly as possible and get the frustration out into the open in a constructive way.