Why I'll Forever Be Thankful For Growing Up In Hartsville, SC | The Odyssey Online
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Why I'll Forever Be Thankful For Growing Up In Hartsville, SC

Because no matter where you go, home is where the heart is

Why I'll Forever Be Thankful For Growing Up In Hartsville, SC

There’s something to be said about living in a small town, especially one like Hartsville. Whether you've lived here all your life, or moved here later on, I’ve realized there's no other town quite like this one. Just a few days ago, I was talking with a childhood friend (who attends a different university than I do), and we somehow got on the subject of what it was like growing up in Hartsville. After almost an hour of sharing laughs and reliving old high school memories, we came to the realization of just how fortunate we were to have lived there our whole lives, even though we didn’t realize this until after we left for college. I’ve traveled many places and have visited towns all over our state, but none can compare to the small town charm and uniqueness of Hartsville. There’s a certain kind of comfort that comes along with going to the grocery store and seeing ten different people you know, and you can bet that at least one or two of those people will ask you about how your family is doing; simply because they genuinely want to know. While the outward beauty of the town is apparent around every corner, the real beauty lies within the heart of its residents. I could go on and on about everything I love about it, but I’ve decided to list some of my favorite things that have made living in Hartsville so amazing.

1. Downtown Hartsville

One of my favorite things to do when I visit home is to walk through downtown. The town continues to grow and prosper from its growth. I think we have reached a happy medium of retaining a big chunk of the old historical atmosphere of our town, yet moving forward with modern inventions and technological advances. Our leadership has a lot to do with that, too. We have a great mayor and a great town council. We also have some of the best local restaurants, coffee shops and boutiques in all of SC!

2. Ruth’s Drive In

Ruth's Drive Inn has been a staple of the Hartsville community for over 70 years. I can remember as a little girl, my dad would bring me here after a long and hot softball practice on Saturdays, like his parents did with him. I love it so much, that even now, when I bring friends home with me from college, it’s the first place I take them to eat. Every *true* Hartsvillian knows that you haven't lived until you've had a "half-a-hot" and their famous sweet tea!

3. The Center Theater

Fun Fact! The Hartsville Center Theater was built in 1936 and before it became a preforming arts center, it used to be a movie house! This theater is home to the Hartsville Community Players, and has been for over 40 years. I’ve preformed on the stage there many times throughout the years, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

4. Burry Bookstore

A true gem of Hartsville, independently owned Burry Bookstore has been around for over 35 years, and will always be my little place of heaven on earth. You will find me here at least once a week during the summer and Christmas break. If you're a book lover, Burry Bookstore is like home.

5. Hartsville High School

This place is special to me for so many reasons. It was here that I found my "forever friends," and made lasting connections with teachers and principals that I still keep in touch with. It was here that I developed the critical thinking skills needed for college, learned valuable life lessons, and found a family within my graduating class. One of the defining factors of my experience as a student at HHS was seeing how our town came together in the face of tragedy. When we lost members of our community too early, people who didn't even know the families showed up, offering their support for the loss. I've come to realize that we're always stronger together, and a little support really does go a long way. I am so proud to be a Red Fox.

6. Kalmia Gardens

This 28 acre botanical garden is one of Hartsville’s biggest treasures. It has been around for over 80 years and is home to some of the most unique and diverse plant and animal life. Walking through the nature trails and boardwalks is one of my favorite things to do on summer mornings. I even got my very first bee sting in the first grade walking through a trail at Kalmia.

7. Prestwood Lake

Prestwood Lake has been a popular summer hangout spot for generations. My grandfather would tell me stories about how he and his friends would come here while in high school and rope swing off of the trees into the water. It’s not an unusual sight to see Prestwood filled with boaters, kayakers and paddle boaters at anytime during hot summer days.

8. Hartsville Athletics

I always chuckle at the response I get from people at school when I tell them I’m from Hartsville, because I almost always get the same look. They usually say something like this, "Oh. You guys are the Red Foxes, right? Every time HHS played my school, you guys always won.” It’s true that Hartsville has a big reputation for excelling in sports. We hold state titles in football, basketball, baseball, and softball. You could always find me at the baseball or football games on Friday nights. There's something to be said when the entire town, young and old, fill up Kellytown Stadium wearing red and black. Hartsville has the some of the best and most supportive fans in the entire world. I think I’m speaking for every Hartsvillian when I say that the atmosphere in Kellytown is unmatchable.

9. Hartsville’s Carmike Cinema

Hartsville is the only place I have ever been to where I can still go and see a top rated, box-office movie for two dollars.

I’m so thankful for my small town, and I genuinely love everyone and everything in it. I hold more memories, and have learned more life lessons in this little town than I can count. Hartsville is more than just a city to me; we're one big family. Things may grow and change around the town, but the love and hospitality people show is one thing I don’t think will ever change. Dorothy was so right when she said, “There’s no place like home,” because there’s no place like Hartsville!

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