Oh, "Grey’s Anatomy." We have been through so much together. Through the years, we have taken on bombs, shooters, plane crashes, and everything in between. You have loyally stood by me even when I hated you for killing off my favorite characters, or making Merideth and Derek break up. I know that some people may read this and call me crazy, but the real Grey’s fandom can relate. We are the most dedicated group of people you will ever find, almost to the point of insanity…or definitely to the point of insanity. Thinking of diagnosing yourself with Grey's-o-mania? If you meet these 12 criteria, time to strap on your surgical mask and scrub in because you are addicted.
Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead!
1. It has made you want to become a surgeon.
You are lying if all of the drama and medical lingo hasn’t made you consider changing your major at least once.
2. It has also made you NOT want to become a surgeon.
...but then there is all of the blood and the long hours.
3. You compare every guy you meet to Derek Shepherd.
The biggest mystery in all of "Grey’s" is how Meredith took so long to put a ring on that?! I mean, c’mon girl.
4. Hearing the names “Lexie” or “George” may result in an emotional breakdown.
These deaths left us with an open wound that even Mark Sloan’s sutures couldn’t repair.
5. You feel personally attacked every time a character is killed off.
Please refer to #4.
6. You feel like you could actually perform neurosurgery.
I have watched Derek clip so many aneurisms, I could do it in my sleep. Hand me a scalpel and sign me up for a clinical trial, I am ready.
7. You even sat through the musical episode.
Owen Hunt singing around the OR? A little too awkward for most people.
8. Your iTunes library is filled with songs from the show.
“How To Save a Life” by The Fray brings on all kinds of new feels now.
9. The new interns have to prove themselves to you.
Every couple of seasons, they decide to throw us a new crop of interns. This fandom is just as tough as Dr. Bailey when we decide whether these characters have what it takes for "Grey’s Anatomy" though.
10. When a friend is sick, your first thought is to start chest compressions.
After 11 seasons, I am fully prepared for all medical situations. Push one of Epi! We need a crash cart!
11. You have an immediate bond with anyone who says they watch the show.
…Did we just become best friends?
12. You frequently ask yourself “what would Christina Yang do?”
No major decision should EVER be made without asking this first. Of all of the people who have left "Grey’s," her absence is the most strongly felt. No one can replace Christina Yang.