What To Pack When You Study Abroad In Scandinavia
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What To Pack When You Study Abroad In Scandinavia

What To Pack When You Study Abroad In Scandinavia

This article is a complete generalization and may not be true in many cases, this article also won't apply to how everyone and every gender dresses.

So you've chosen to study abroad next semester somewhere in Scandinavia... congrats, you're going to have the time of your life! You will experience efficiency in many aspects of life in its purest form. You will also eat some interesting food from the sea. Can I get a "pickled herring," anyone? Anyways, you're probably a few weeks away from embarking on a wonderful adventure that will change your life. Here are a few tips on what to pack and what to nix from your packing list.

1. Pack: Sweaters

Yes, they take up a lot of room in your luggage and aren't the best option for 'packing light' but trust me, you're going to want them. You will not see much light or warmth until possibly the last week or two you're in Scandinavia.

2. Don't pack: Tons of bright patterns or colors

I'm all for individuality and dressing how you want so don't take this guide as a must-do. However, if you do feel like you want to blend in more with the general style then packing bold patterns and colors will make you stand out. Opt for neutral colors like black, gray, white, and cream.

3. Pack: Waterproof jacket that is also warm

Trust me, you can pack or buy all the umbrellas you want, but the wind is your enemy. On a good day, you may be able to protect yourself from the endless rain with an umbrella but unless you want to be soaked through regularly -- pack a waterproof jacket that also keeps you warm (the more coverage, the better).

4. Don't pack: High heels or other uncomfortable footwear that is hard to walk in

You will find that in Scandinavia, people can pull off looking cool and fashionable at the same time as being practical. It's truly remarkable when you realize that someone can wear Adidas tennis shoes with a loose comfortable dress and tights and still look fashionably flawless. I have seen many men and women wearing tennis shoes at bars and clubs, it's normal and practical.

5. Pack: Waterproof boots/footwear

You will absolutely need comfortable waterproof boots or other shoes for your time abroad. Boots go with any outfit and are a great choice when you're stomping through cobblestone streets and any surprise puddles. Good for any weather, even when the weather starts to warm up. (Just a heads-up: if you're purchasing some then look for short booties as tall boots are not very common.)

6. Don't pack: Multiples of items you don't need multiples of

Sounds like common sense right? Well, if you were thinking you were going to pack four different kinds of jackets and 20 different going-out outfits you're wasting space. You really will be surprised by how much you don't end up wearing and what ends up wasting precious luggage space, where you could be slipping in souvenirs from your travels on the way home. Skip packing 10 different vests or dresses when you will end up re-wearing the same thing every week like everyone else who's abroad. You might find what works for you is about a quarter of what you packed.

7. Pack: Plug adapters for any countries you think you might visit

You will travel with people who will forget their plug adapters, you also might find yourself in the UK where no plug in your "universal pack" will work. Do your research ahead of time on this. Traveling to foreign places with no way to reach people is not the ideal scenario. *Type C and E/F for Scandinavia*

8. Don't pack: 10 pairs of shorts

You might be abroad in the "spring semester," but temperatures in Scandinavia rarely get high enough to be considered hot (depending on what weather you're used to but ask yourself if 60 degrees Fahrenheit seems hot to you). Most of the weather until late May will be cold and dark, so save yourself some regret later on and skip packing warm-weather items that can't be layered for cooler temperatures.

9. Pack: Any toiletries that you can fit

Scandinavia is pretty expensive even though most people might say buy toiletries or other supplies when you get to the country you're studying abroad in. If you have the room/weight capacity then it's worth saving some money and pack as much as you can. (Also pack travel-size containers for liquids for if/when you take short trips to other countries and can't check a bag.)

10. Pack: Scarfs

The Euro scarf is a real thing. It's chic and keeps you warm and definitely worth packing a scarf or two to keep you further insulated from freezing winds.

11. Pack: A journal, camera, or any other item that will help you be reflective on your experiences

It's worth taking some time every once in a while to appreciate what you're seeing and doing while abroad. It will help you value and remember the experience forever.

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