Last week, the "Huffington Post" released an article about the top 20 colleges with the happiest student body. The University of Dayton checked into these rankings in the top 10, at number 6, are according to the Princeton Review of Colleges.
As a UD student, it was pretty incredible to see. Proud doesn't even begin to cover it.
If there's one thing about University of Dayton students, it's that we love our school. And not a casual love, like yeah, it's a cool place. It's a full-fledged, head-over-heels, butterflies in our stomachs love affair. If you were to meet any of us around your town, or even in the grocery store, you would be able to see this love in action if you simply ask us the question, "So where do you go to school?"
If they're like me, as many of my fellow students are, they probably won't be able to suppress their smiles as they proudly say, "The University of Dayton." If you let them, they would probably talk your ear off for at least a half an hour about why UD is absolutely the best school on earth.
People will always tell you that rankings don't matter, or rankings don't reflect real life. Well, I'd like to dispute those people. That top 10 rank matters to us because it is a solidified, tangible reflection of our feelings. This ranking is real life for UD students—our school makes us truly, deeply happy.
With that being said, there are some things this ranking can't capture. That number 6 doesn't show people the many incredible things that make UD students so happy. And this happiness looks like so many things.
It looks like walking around campus on a regular old class day, and seeing so many friendly faces, and smiles, and saying hello to at least three different people you know.
It looks like relaxing on a porch in the student neighborhood, soaking up the sun, with your closest friends and neighbors.
It looks like students running up to tour groups of high schoolers, and telling them "Come to UD, you're gonna love it!"
It looks like cheering on the Flyers at UD Arena during basketball season, cheering your heart out with the rest of the Red Scare.
Most importantly, it looks like seeing the blue chapel, or the UD sign on College Park, and knowing you are home with your family.
So here's to UD, and all of my Flyers—thanks for making UD feel like my second home. Thanks for making me one of the happiest college students in nation.