Slowly but surely we're all getting older -- and nobody likes it. As we cling onto the shreds of what we have left of our teenage-hood, an even harsher reality keeps knocking at our door. Ah, the sweet smell of adulthood. Ready or not, here it comes!
1. You've had to schedule and attend doctor's appointments on your own.
2. You know what the average price of gas is in your area.
3. 2007 was almost nine years ago and you are just not ready to accept that.
4. There is at least one cleaning product on your Christmas list.
5. And at least one kitchen gadget, too.
6. You find groups of teenagers at the movie theater to be annoying.
7. You find yourself making an abnormal amount of "to-do" lists.
8. At least five of the people you went to high school with are engaged or pregnant.
9. You've considered either throwing or attending a Tupperware party.
10. You no longer recognize any of the stars on Disney Channel or Nickelodeon.
11.You have strong feelings about what type of laundry detergent you buy.
12. DIY projects around your house or apartment really get you going.
13. There's nothing quite as satisfying as a freshly cleaned bathroom.
14. Or the smell of clean laundry.
15. You've graduated from shopping at Forever 21 for all of your clothing.
16. You wake up with the sun every morning whether you want to or not.
17. LinkedIn is your preferred choice of social media.
18. On most days, you have more than $3.76 in your bank account.
19. Obsessively checking your email is your specialty.
20. You actually separate your whites from your colors when doing laundry.
21. Walking into Ikea feels like Christmas morning.