Growing Up Wisconsin | The Odyssey Online
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Growing Up Wisconsin

The land of cows, beer, cheese, music festivals, lakes, and perfection.

Growing Up Wisconsin

1. You get offended when people say California Cows are the happiest cows.

Just stop.

2. Cheese curds aren't just a food, they're a lifestyle.

The squeakier, the better.

3. Your wardrobe consists of too much green & gold.

Go Pack Go!

4. Water fountain? Oh, you mean bubbler.

5. Summer nights on the Memorial Union Terrace are what you live for.

6. Tailgating is it's own sport.

We tailgate the tailgate.

7. The Wisconsin Dells was the best end of the year trip possible.

S/O to Noah's Ark for filling my life with happiness.

8. You went to school with two feet of snow on the ground.

9. Aaron Rodgers should be the governor or president or world ruler.


10. You can pronounce Oconomowoc, Wauwatosa, Ashwaubenon, Kaukauna, Mukwonago, and Waukesha correctly.

11. Going to the lake was the best part of childhood.

Tubing and bonfires and fishing, OH MY!

12. Bratwursts and cream puffs are a staple in everyone's diet.

13. Summerfest is the happiest time of year.

14. At least 1/2 of your class was gone on opening day of hunting season.

15. Brett Farve is one of the most controversial topics to bring up at the dinner table.

16. "Jump Around" should only be played at Camp Randall during a Badger football game.

Best college tradition in America.

17. Racing sausages are more important than the Kentucky Derby.

19. You're flattered when people can tell where you're from based on your accent.

I'm from Wis-can-sin and we have a great baaaah-sketball team.

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