Netflix has a lot of good stuff lately. That itself is a pretty common expression, but recently I have been hooked on a show like the first time I saw Braking Bad. This one satisfies me in a new level because of having to deal with both Game of Thrones and Stranger Things having a year of filming before having a new season. I don’t want to talk about how close GoT is to ending, so you can drop that right now. It’s a great show because it checks out on everything in the list. It has nine seasons, so I am going to be here for a while. It is classic narrative, which in this case is just cheesy cop show. And thirdly, it comes with aliens, monsters, ghosts, and demons. You name it! But if you haven’t seen the X Files, then just do yourself and do. Three seasons in and I have been on quite the rollercoaster of sci-fi lore. In the midst of what a great show it is, it pooped in my head a question that had yet to find itself dancing around my mind.
What would I ever show an alien or different species from another world? What single thing should I choose beyond everything I know. I had honestly never though what one single thing I would do if I were encountered with an alien, or being or whatever. I don’t know how long it took me, but when I arrived to the answer, I was laughing at how long it took me to come up with the perfect, and obvious choice. I would have to make sure to be able to represent it in the best way possible, but I would start playing music and just see what would happen. I don’t know if it’d be live, or on speakers, or headphones, but I’d make sure it was absolutely loud.
Would they hurt me? Would they find it excruciatingly painful? Or if they have a religion of some sort and consider it something sacrilegious or unnatural, they would destroy the source of the noise? Maybe they can’t hear sound because they come from a place that has no air so there is no sound, but they would feel the bass and the speakers bouncing and blasting the tunes. Would they freak out for being shaken by the noise? Would they recognize rhythm, and sway or something like that to the music? There are just way too many possibilities that I would have to find out what it is that would happen right then and there.
Would they find it beautiful? Would it cause in them feelings that they did not ever experience before? Would they dance? Perhaps much like a toddler does, but would they actually? I lie not when I say that this vexes me. I only have one chance, what the fuck would I play? It so much pressure, to choose the one piece of music to experiment on. What would have to be the first piece of music heard by a being that has never encountered music before. Here’s where it gets interesting, because all of those suppose that the being has no idea of what music is. But there is another side to the coin. Beings from around the world, would they have something that is equivalent to what we label “rhythm” or “music”? If I chose something that they liked, would they dance along and display a feeling? How would we as a human being recognize that, ask someone who actually knows. But I think that playing music, or exposing themto music would be so cool.
Can aliens cry like I have when listening to certain songs? Can they feel so much joy at their core that it feels as if light is rushing through them? Can they express themselves in dance? Can they listen to the music and undergo such a beautiful peace like I do when I close my eyes? Can they experience music? This is proving itself quite a bullet storm of questions, but I just think that as human beings, music is something that is staple marked by the human race. I honestly would not know what would happen if I showed an alien, or being, some tunes.
If chance permitted it, I’d make it so it all went down at a live event. Speakers ready to blast, spotlight on the instruments, and excitement rushing through the veins. Music is just so powerful. I hate to sound so simple minded and naïve, but I can’t explain how moving and intriguing it has become to me over the past three and a half years. The thing I will forever be regretful of is not starting to learn an instrument, other than the recorder mom forced to do, when I was younger. I guess I was not ready to see music as I see it now, but it is certainly something I would consider the highest honor to introduce music to something never touched by it. Daft Punk, Star Wars and even Stich have shown us that maybe it isnt a bad idea after all. Even now, I cant stop smiling imagining the whole lot of things that would just absolutely blow my mind. Hope they don’t mind me jamming’ and dancing next to the speakers. ~ad astra ultraque