25 Reasons Why Boulder Is the Best College Town in America
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25 Reasons Why Boulder Is the Best College Town in America

25 Reasons Why Boulder Is the Best College Town in America

Located where the base of the Rocky Mountain foothills meet the Great Plains, Boulder is effortlessly ranking among the top places to live in the country, and this might be why...

1. The Weather

300 days of sunshine a year without the humidity, what could be better?

2. Pearl Street Mall

Pearl Street Mall is a popular destination for tourists and students alike.  It is home to numerous delicious local restaurants and unique shops. Where else do you get to sit outside and watch street performers at a local bistro while sipping a craft beer against the backdrop of the flatirons?

3. Music

As a national hub for music blogs, historic venues, and just all around good vibes it is clear that nobody does music better than Boulder.

4. Red Rocks

Speaking of music, you are technically not a student at CU Boulder if you haven’t been to at least one red rocks concert. Consider it a right of passage to any out-of-stater.

5. Rocky Mountain Showdown

Arguably one of the biggest rivalries in college football, this game between University of Colorado and Colorado State takes place on mutual turf at Mile High Stadium in Denver. It may be because of past excessive rival conflict, but who cares? Just another excuse to shuttle everyone to Denver for a night of tailgating at Mile High. 

6. Tailgate Season

Winter? Spring? Summer? Fall? In Boulder there are only two seasons, Ski Season and Tailgate Season. Tailgate first semester and ski second, simple as that.

7. Illegal Pete's

Illegal Pete’s, a combination of Chipotle and Qdoba on steroids. 

8. Flagstaff Mountain

If you are not feeling the extra effort of a hike, just drive on up to Flagstaff Mountain and enjoy panoramic views of Metropolitan Boulder, Denver, and the Rocky Mountains. 

9. Farrand Field

I can guarantee you probably have taken at least 20 photos of this field, but with a perfect background of the Flatties from campus, who hasn’t?

10. Denver

Only a thirty-minute drive away, this quadruple threat of a city offers access to all four of Colorado’s professional sports teams. So whether you’re into football, hockey, basketball, or baseball, just a quick drive to Denver and you can have it all.

11. Cosmo's Spicy Ranch Two words. Spicy. Ranch.  You will spend all four years binge eating this deliciousness. 

12. The Flagstaff Star


A statement of the holiday season, students’ return from Thanksgiving break and are almost immediately greeted by the Star at the top of the mountain. Welcome home.

13. The Lifestyle Once you live in Boulder an active lifestyle is inevitable. If all the beautiful people surrounding you aren’t motivations then maybe the access to 110 miles of hiking trails, countless yoga studios, and fitness centers will be.

14. Folsom FieldCan you imagine football games anywhere else?

15. Skiing and SnowboardingOnly a 1-4 hour drive to over 20 of the best skiing destinations in the country. Need I say more?

16. The Hill

With historic restaurants like the Sink, music venues like the Fox, and many more, The Hill is the heart of CU.

17. You Will NEVER Be Bored

With the hundreds of different types of festivals, weekly farmers markets, art classes, poetry readings, campus events, and many more, you will never find yourself bored.

18. Estes Park

Part of the Rocky Mountain National Park, it is well worth the 45 minute drive. You can hike the indescribable landscapes, peruse the town, and if you’re feeling really spontaneous you can check out the Hotel Stanley, where The Shining was filmed. 

19. Holidaze

There are two holidays celebrated by the student population at CU Boulder, Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day.  No explanation necessary.

20. Boulder Baked

Boulder baked always has you feeling good on those late nights. Who doesn't want fresh baked cookies delivered right to their door? 

21. Because the Sunsets are Unlike Any Other

22. The People 

Boulder is a town of extremely diverse people and lifestyles. Forbes Magazine continually ranks Boulder as one of the Smartest Cites in America based off of the percentage of adults 25 years or older with at least a Bachelors Degree. Boulder is a hub for entrepreneurs, hippies, and businessmen alike.

23. Ralphie

What other university has a live buffalo run around the stadium before the start of every game?

24. The FlatironsEnough said.

25. University of Colorado

What would Boulder be without CU? Attaining the title of the Flagship University of the state of Colorado, the University of Colorado offers over 150 fields of study. There is truly no place like going to school in Boulder, CO.

From being ranked number one in numerous food, life, and wellness magazines, it is clear that Boulder is a comprehensive habitation for every type of enthusiast. With everything the college town and it’s residents have to offer, it is clear why Boulder, Colorado is 5,430 feet closer to Heaven.

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