17 Things South Carolinian's Know All Too Well
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17 Things South Carolinian's Know All Too Well

"God is good. God is great. Thank you Lord for the Palmetto State."

17 Things South Carolinian's Know All Too Well

  1. It’s either South Carolina or Clemson. Every November, you can find the Gamecocks and the Tigers going head to head to see who will be the winner of The Palmetto Bowl. It's one of the biggest rivalries in college football and its history dates back to the Post-Civil War Reconstruction Era. You're either screaming "T-I-G-E-R-S" or losing your voice chanting "U-S-C" during Sandstorm. Either you're rooting for the Garnet and Black or the Orange and Purple. There is no grey area.
  2. Barbecue. Good barbecue is mustard based. South Carolina has a great number of BBQ festivals every year. Barbecue is more than just a food...it's a lifestyle.
  3. “Bless Your Heart”. This is in no way, shape, or form a compliment. Never tell this to a South Carolinian while expecting a positive reaction. This phrase is used to politely tell someone that they don't have good sense. "Bless her heart, she's as dumb as a sack of potatoes...", "Bless your heart honey, I can't believe you're crazy enough to go off and do something like that...", or "Bless his heart, his Mama never really showed him no kinda attention. He's just out there being crazy and showin' off in front of folks...".
  4. Myrtle Beach. If you're from South Carolina, family trips are to the beach over the Summer, and it was the annual event. You packed the cutest bathing suit you could find, your favorite floats, and you were headed to the coast for a good time. While Mama and Granny watched the kids at the beach, Daddy went to play a game or two of golf. After all, it is the golf capital of the world.
  5. Boiled Peanuts. Boiled peanuts are the only way to go. It's the right way. This salty South Carolina delicacy can be served hot or cold. It's completely up to you. You can find them at almost any roadside local produce stand or convenience store. They're a million times better when you get them fresh in a small brown paper/plastic bag while they're still warm; however, if you have to settle for the ones in the can, we understand. "You gotta do what you gotta do!" They're just that good.
  6. Palmetto Trees. Palmetto Trees are shorter and have wider trunks that palm trees. South Carolinian's put this symbol on everything. From hats, mugs, the state flag, car decals, and all the way to tattoos. You name it, we've done it. Not to mention, the Palmetto tree design has been voted the best state flag repeatedly. It's so simple and elegant. That's why we put it everywhere and use it on absolutely every possible thing.
  7. Shrimp & Grits. Phenomenal staple dish. If you could have one food for the rest of your life, I promise you'd want it to be South Carolina's famous shrimp and grits. There's even an entire competition/festival, in it's honor, in Charleston.
  8. The Front Porch. At night, you could move the chairs and make forts to sleep in and watch lightin' bugs fly past, all while enjoying the warm summer night air. In the daytime, Mama and all of her friends sat there gossiping, watching the neighbors drive up and down the road and watching kids play in the yard.
  9. Sweet Tea. If the tea isn't sweet, it's not worth your time. Sweet tea is a staple in South Carolina. It was born in Summerville, SC. Some add lemon, some add honey, but everyone should add sugar. If you think (Northern) iced tea and (South Carolina) sweet tea are the same thing, keep that information to yourself. This is one thing that every South Carolinian has mastered making by the end of the first grade. Sweet tea also tastes better when served in mason jars. *Science*
  10. Mind Your Manners. "Yes ma'am/no sir", and "please and thank you", will forever be acceptable. It doesn't matter how old you are. Mind your manners and respect your elders.
  11. Darius Rucker. You tell everyone that he's from your home state. You can find him at University of South Carolina football games regularly. He also throws the occasional free concert in Columbia, or filming a music video in Conway.
  12. Charleston. An amazing travel destination for anyone that loves shopping, food, beautiful scenery, and an all around good time. If you're from South Carolina, you know that a trip to Charleston is a guaranteed good time.
  13. Upstate/ Midlands/ Low Country. As a South Carolinian, you understand the difference between the different regions. You also get tired of outsiders asking so many questions about where/ what each category actually is/means. After all, it was taught to us in the third grade. You think they'd have a clue.
  14. A Good Oyster Roast. Family reunions, birthdays, holidays, or for no special occasion at all. An oyster roast is always a great time.
  15. Pimento Cheese. It goes on burgers, sandwiches, crackers, and it can just be used as a dip. The bold orange color is a little off-putting to some but don't knock it 'til you try it.
  16. Fried Food.Hush puppies, deep fried Oreos, fried green tomatoes, fried pickles, deep fried cheesecake. You name it, we've fried it.
  17. Frogmore Stew. This is also referred to as a "Lowcountry boil" or "Beaufort Stew". There is no other way to eat this other than pouring it all over a table and immediately chowing down. You have a special love for this corn, sausage, potatoes, shrimp, and crab concoction that you can't explain, but you want to share it with the world.
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