We all have those people in our lives who make us laugh a little more, smile a little brighter and live a little longer---we call them our best friends. Now, these aren't just the people we tell our deepest darkest secrets to---they're the people we talk about what we ate for lunch, the cute new shirt we bought or the hot new boy at the gym. It's not always sunshine and rainbows with this person, but no matter what, you always seem to work things out and get back to normal. Somehow every aspect of your life seems to fascinate them and they know just how to make us feel special. There's never a detail too big for them, they want to know everything. Never in a thousand years did I think I would meet someone that I just couldn't imagine life without, until you came along. So here are some things I'd like to thank you for...
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(Photo via Pinterest)
Thank you for knowing what I deserve even when I don't. You always seem to know far before I do which boys to stray away from, what parties are gonna be bad news, and when I really just need a girls night. Sometimes, I feel like you have a special radar that detects these things, or that you're secretly really just a superhero.
Thank you for the little things---like all those tall Coke cans. It really is the little things in life that make the biggest differences. Those moments when you know exactly what I need in life like a tall Coke are far more appreciated than you know.
Thank you for always being there. Whether or not we're in different time zones or just miles apart you never miss a beat. There aren't that many people I can say that about and I'm glad you're one of them that I can.
Thank you for having my back, always. Thank you for protecting me, acting like my mother at times and for sticking up for me. You are always the first person to defend this little mess of chaos, whether or not I'm right or wrong. You are my biggest cheerleader and the person who's sometimes even more proud than I am about my achievements.
You see, life really wouldn't be the same without you in my life. You keep my secrets safe, support my no matter what, and you're always there no matter the time of day. Just like you're always there for me, I'll always be there for you. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not good enough, you can do anything you put your mind to. Boys will come and go, friends change like whatever, but sisters are forever. I'm so thankful I have someone like you in my life and I don't know what I would do without you.
Love you, mean it.
Photo via Pinterest