Last week, I wrote an article about the immense benefits of resistance training. But, I realized I forgot one little thing: the actual workout! I did the specific one I am about to tell you about throughout this past summer, and I achieved both physical and mental results. My endorphin's flowed, my energy was always up, and it made those long summer days better than ever. Even though it may not be the time to obtain that beach bod (goodbye summer!), this is a great way to stay in shape throughout the Fall and even the holidays!
It is split up into multiple days, so you won't get bored doing the same routine day by day. Of course, make your own changes as needed. Remember to drink a LOT of water, and stop anytime you feel dizzy; go at your own pace. Rise and grind!
All exercises should be used with a heavy enough weight that you cannot easily do 15 reps, but light enough that you can do at least 12 reps.
1. Day 1- CHEST/TRIS
Chest press: 2 sets x 12-15 reps. Grab the nearest dumbbells and lay flat on a bench (make adjustments to the bench as needed). Keep your shoulders tight as you lift the weights straight up in the air from your chest.
Pec fly: 2 sets x 10-15 reps. You can find the pec fly machine for this at your gym. Sit down, keep your back straight, shoulders back, and feet planted on the floor. Grab the handles to your side (your elbows should be bent slightly) and slowly pull them together. Keep your abs tight!
Bench dips: 2 sets x 10-15 reps. Find a bench that no one is using (this bench does not have to be particularly for exercise use). Put your hands behind you and bend your elbows until your body is at about a 90 degree angle. Slowly push yourself back up. You should feel the burning sensation in your triceps (it will hurt; this is a tiny muscle, but keep going!).
Lat pull down: 2 sets x 10-15 reps. Find the lateral pull down machine at the gym. Sit down on the seat and adjust the thigh pads so that your thighs sit right under the support. Grasp the bar up top with a wide grip. Keep your shoulder blades tucked toward your body and pull the bar down towards your chest. Squeeze your shoulders as you do this!
Seated row: 2 sets x 10-15 reps. Find the seated row machine at the gym. Sit down on the seat and keep your back straight. Grab the handles (make sure your arms are completely straight) and pull towards your chest, pinching your shoulder blades together.
Bicep curl: 2 sets x 10-15 reps. This is as basic as you can get! Grab two dumbbells. Keep your elbows tucked by your side and curl the weight up. Hold and release, keeping your elbows where they are!
Day 3- CORE
Medicine ball twist: 1 minute. Grab a medicine ball (not too, too heavy) and sit down on a mat at the gym. Left up your legs so that they are just slightly off the ground- around 4 inches. Twist and touch the ball to the ground, while your abs remain extremely tight. Keep twisting side to side at a medium pace.
V-sit ups: 1 minute. Lay flat on your mat at the gym. As you crunch up, lift your legs into a "V" and try to touch the tip of your fingers to your toes.
Bicycle crunch: 1 minute. I am sure you have heard of this one. Alternate touching your elbow to the opposite knee, side to side, while pumping your legs straight out.
Wall sit: Until failure. Sit with your back against the wall; your knees should be at a 90 degree angle. Keep your abs tight and sit there until you cannot handle it any longer!
Day 4- LEGS (my favorite!)
Squat: 2 sets x 10-15 reps. Grab a barbell at the gym and go in front of a mirror, if possible. Hold the barbell behind your back; it should be resting on the upper part. Keep your head and chest up and your butt back, as if you are sitting in a chair as you descend down. Come back up slowly, and repeat. As you come up, push your feet to the floor very hard.
Leg extension: 2 sets x 10-15 reps. Find the leg extension machine at the gym. Sit down and adjust seat accordingly. Use your quadriceps to extend the weight to the maximum point. Lower the weight back to the position you started in, slowly.
Hamstring curl: 2 sets x 10-15 reps. Lay down on the hamstring curl machine and curl the weight towards your butt.
And, voila! I hope you find success in trying this workout out. Remember, results take awhile, so do not become discouraged if you do not see anything after the first week (trust me, you won't). Just keep up the hard work, and it will all pay off!