Musicals 101
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Musicals 101

A starter guide to the best musicals missing from your life.

Musicals 101

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who love musicals, and those who have not fallen in love with them yet. Do not fret. I am here to solve all of your problems. You may call me the musicals fairy if you wish.

I remember falling in love with musicals at a very early age. Granted, I had watched films that had singing in them, but I never quite realized the genre of musicals until 8th grade when I first watched "The Phantom of the Opera." This may or may not have been appropriate for my 12-year-old self, but either way, that's beside the point. So whether you are a newcomer into this world (WELCOME!) or veteran in the field, here are a couple of shows that are bound to make your life a little bit better (or a lot, you know, traffic light solos and shower dancing).

1. "The Phantom of the Opera"

It should come to no surprise that The Phantom is the first one on the list. This story takes place in an opera house in France 1870. It follows our main character Christine Daae, a ballet dancer who develops an exceptional singing voice thanks to the voice lessons of the opera ghost. It's beautiful, heartbreaking and unforgettable. The 2004 film adaptation is definitely worth a watch.

2. "Les Misérables"

Based off of the French Revolution, this story is intricately told from the points of views of characters that continually try to have the best life they can. Listen to the entire soundtrack, you won't come out the same person you were at the beginning.

3. "Hairspray"

When you are having a really bad day and you need something that will instantly make you smile and start dancing, "Hairspray" is the key. Set in the 1960s when the racial tension among the United States was at an all-time high, this story talks about humanity, love and most of all, acceptance.

4. "Wicked"

This critically acclaimed show has broken records across the world with its unique storytelling of the Wicked Witch of the West. You may think you know her story, but after you listen to this you may feel entirely different about the characters you thought you knew.

5. "Legally Blonde"

If you love the movie, there is no way you will not love this musical. The entire show is filled with witty lines and songs that will never leave your mind. The characters you love will make a comeback in this hilarious and heartwarming story.

6. "Grease"

If you have not seen "Grease" yet, I have the next two hours of your life planned for you. I mean, just look at those killer dance moves.

7. "The Sound of Music"

Julie Andrews. Need I say more?

8. "Spring Awakening"

This story started as an Off-Broadway show that soon enough landed itself among the classics in the world of show business. It tells a story of growing up, and the confusion that the journey entails. Being a teenager is not easy and sometimes it takes exploration to find yourself.

9. "A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder"

One of the funniest shows I have ever encountered. This story centers on Monty Navarro, who after discovering he is ninth in line to inherit a great fortune, decides that there are eight too many people in his way. Twists and turns plus a Victorian setting give this great musical everything you could ever ask for.

10. "Bonnie & Clyde"

Based on the famous tale of Bonnie and Clyde, this story has adventure, romance, and sassy characters. However, have some tissues ready, because the last song may bring a tear (or ten) to your eyes.

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