The end of the semester is a stressful time for everyone, and who better to sum up all of the emotions we all feel during this time than Cher from "Clueless?" Throughout "Clueless," Cher has a clear set of priorities and eventually reaches her goals after a series of hardships, and she does all of this while being fabulous! We could all learn a few things from Cher as the semester comes to an end.
1. Let's face it, even after sitting in class for an entire semester you spent the majority of the time daydreaming about everything except class.
2. And when the end of the semester finally approaches, you look at your syllabus for each class and see how much work you actually have to do before the end of the semester.
You ask your self things like, Did my professors collaborate and decide to have everything due on the same week to make my life miserable? Why didn’t I start these assignments weeks ago? What are the chances I can still go out this weekend even though I have all of this work to do?
3. When you finally get over the stage of anger, you realize how stressed you actually are.
Four finals to study for, two research papers to write, and a presentation.. All of which are worth a significant portion of your grade.
4. You are about to admit to pure defeat and give up but..
5. ..there is nothing a little retail therapy can’t fix!
Of course you can pencil in a little time to go shopping for cute summer clothes. I mean, after all, what is more motivating than knowing that once your done with this semester you’ll be laying on the beach in the cute new bikini you just bought?6. But when you finally get the motivation to start studying and writing papers you don’t even know where to start.
7. You can’t come up with the correct solution to the problem on your math study guide and spell check tells you that you can’t even write a proper sentence.
8. Whatever, right? You’re totally over it.
You think to yourself that you’ll pull it out just like you always do.9. So you go in with confidence and put your best foot forward.
This may even entail a little BS-ing but it is better than writing down nothing.
10. When it’s all over you are just relieved and in utter happiness that you managed to survive finals week.
11. But wait, your not done yet! It never hurts to try to get your grade boosted a little.
You bring out your inner negotiator.
12. And when final grades are submitted you look back to where you were two and a half weeks ago with pride on how far you’ve come.
So now channel your inner Cher and tackle the end of this semester with confidence!