Formation and Black Lives Matter
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Formation and Black Lives Matter

Beyonce Speaks Out

Formation and Black Lives Matter
Alex Young. Beyonce video "Formation" sends powerful message

A Powerful, and Intelligent Woman.

Black men are shot and killed, and discriminated by white police officers more than they are protected from them.

Senseless Deaths.

White police officers shoot and kill unarmed black men every day, simply because of the color of their skin. Justice departments all over America always rule the killings as not guilty! Dead Babies. Heart Broken Mothers, Families, and Communities. Black men are either dead or in prison. Children are left behind without fathers.

Turn the Channel!

No matter what the case may be, young black men and women's LIVES MATTER. They don't deserve to die at the hands of police officers by a lack of caring.

"Stop Shooting Us."

This statement shown in Beyonce's video is said to be an attack on the police. News Media Outlets are feeding the world these lies, and political figures especially Rudy Giuliani, says, "This video is an attack on police officers who serve and protect the citizens of this country."


Beyonce performed during Super Bowl 50 halftime, expressing the pain and power she feels as an artist, and as a member of the African American community.

Say their names.

Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Tamar Rice, Oscar Grant, Eric Garner, and more died of senseless deaths.


Failure to use turning signals; Playing with a toy gun at a park, Fruitvale Bart Station, Loitering in front of a liquor store, Simply walking on his own suburban home street.

African Americans are the backbones to this nation. Black men and women built this world in blood, sweat, and pain through slavery.

Black men represent FREEDOM, not a beggar to be killed or stereotype.

Beyonce demands the madness to stop in her "Formation" video. She simply expresses her anger and power just like any other artist does.

There is no reason for her concerts to be boycotted, it's ignorant. There is no reason for police officers to feel attacked. It's simply the truth conveyed concerning the reality and relationships with police officers and African Americans in America.

All lives matter. Yes, we know that. But we also know African Americans are targeted quite differently when it comes to law enforcement.

There's no secret. Police officers justify these killings as if it is not a big deal.

The number one excuse police officers use as reasons for killing.

"I was protecting myself." 2013.

How ironic is that? Paid leave. Attention from the media. Next:

"I was protecting myself." 2014. Paid leave. Attention from the media. Next:

"I was protecting myself." 2014, 2015. Should I go on?

A powerful artist like Beyonce sees this. She sees the ongoing. The ongoing in the simple shootings of unarmed blacks and others too. But come on guys we know the truth. Blacks are twice as likely to be discriminated, marginalized, and killed compared to others. You see the news right? They don't broadcast everything! Only what makes money, or portrays a negative connotation. Black is Beautiful. Don't you see all the mixing? In "Formation", Beyonce says it best: "I like my baby heir with baby hair and afros."

She wants to see change just like the rest of us.

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