Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Life
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Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Life

You are never too old to start living a better life.

Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Life
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Growing up is hard, especially when you can't go back in time. You have to deal with the consequences of your actions, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Personally, there are some things I wish I knew earlier in life because I definitely have my fair share of regrets. Although it is too late to change the past, you do have the power to live a better future. It is never too late to change your ways and habits, so why not start now. Here are a few things that I wish I knew at a younger age, but from this point forward I'm going to try and integrate these ideas into my daily life.

Dance like no one is watching.

Most likely no one is watching, and if people are, they are probably jealous of your skills.

It is OK if you don't get into your top college.

Yes, you will be sad, but that college just wasn't meant for you. There is another college out there that is waiting to enhance and celebrate your talents.

Put yourself out there. You never know what will happen.

Don't be afraid to take a risk. You only regret what you never try.

Don't make judgments until you know all the facts.

Try not to come to conclusions about someone before you know him personally. He may be fighting an inner battle that you know nothing about.

Laugh often.

Let you goofy personality out and enjoy the pleasures that life has to offer. Life is too short to be serious all the time.

Everything will be OK.

No matter what you are going through, believe that you can get through it. Like the famous saying says, "If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain."

Take lots of pictures.

One day in life your memory might fail you, so take millions of pictures in order to remember the great times you had while you were growing up.

Make sure to get fresh air.

Being pent up inside each day is no fun, so enjoy the outdoors while you can. One day while you are at your office job you will wish you took advantage of the great outdoors.

Sometimes it's better to walk away.

Sometimes arguments are not worth your time or effort. Be the bigger person and remove yourself from the situation. Life is too short to worry about the petty things.

Reading acts as an escape.

Yes, many books now have movie versions, but honestly, they don't even come close to the book. Books allow you to use your imagination in such an incredible way that it needs to be experienced.

It's OK to say no.

You want to be the good one, the one that people can always come to when they need help, but sometimes you need to put yourself first and ask if this is in your best interest. If not, don't be afraid to say no.

Your sister is your best friend.

It may not always seem that way, but your sister is your one friend that can never leave you; she's family and that means so much more than other friendships.

It's okay to lose hope, but never lose faith.

Faith is such a powerful idea that you deserve to believe in it. Hope comes and goes but having an underlying faith is such an amazing virtue. Don't let life's challenges get in the way.

Spreading rumors is not the answer.

Don't get involved in other people's personal lives, and if you don't know the truth, don't make up lies.

Your parents will love you no matter what.

They will get mad at times, but in the end you are their child and they love you to death. They will always be there to give you a hug.

Asking for help does not mean weakness.

On the contrary, asking for help shows that you are above it; you know your limits and the power of collaboration.

Crying is perfectly acceptable.

Despite what people say, crying does not equate to weakness. You have every right to get sad and let it all out.

Don't let him take advantage of you.

He may seem like the perfect guy, but if you have to question your relationships and make up excuses for his actions, it is not worth it. You deserve a lot better.

If he cheats, it's over.

Even better, if he cheats on someone else with you, leave immediately. People don't change so might as well save yourself from future heartbreak.

Karma does make things right.

Trust me, the bully will become fat, the rude social-climbing class president will work at the gas station, and the popular snobby girl will be on her third husband by the time she is 30.

Eat that piece of cake.

Hell, eat the whole cake!! You only live once so why not give into your temptations.

Try not to worry about what others think of you.

Yes, there might be some people that don't like you, but try not to fret about it. Instead focus on the people that do care about you and keep those people in your life.

Floss every day.

This is a no brainer; it takes less than one minute and cleans your teeth. Your smile is one of the first things other people notice about you so why not make it a good one.

Don't waste all your time on social media.

Instead of worrying about all the fun others are having based on their Instagram pictures or their Facebook updates, go out and make your own memories.

Have a bucket list.

Dreams and goals are so important so make a bucket list that includes the impossible. You never know what exciting adventures may come into your life.

Never miss a good sale.

You are basically saving money so might as well go all out.

Don't hold grudges.

You don't have to forgive people, but honestly, it is not worth your time to be bitter about something that you can't change. Move on and try to be aware of outcomes before they happen.

Don't worry about the past.

There are some things in your life that you can't change, one being the past. We all make mistakes, but don't spend all your time stressing about something that has already happened.

Moccasins and socks are trendy.

And really comfy.

Never say no to an adventure.

Whether it is going hiking on a nearby trail or going on a day trip to the beach, say yes. Life is supposed to be exciting so make it as great as possible.

Don't wear sweatpants in public.

There is a time and place for sweatpants. They are very comfy, but try to look more presentable when going out, unless you are going to Walmart.

Wearing glasses isn't nerdy.

In fact, you actually look badass and smart.

Don't let others dictate your self-worth.

You and you alone have the power to evaluate yourself. Don't let other people's opinions impact the decisions you make.

Love yourself.

This one is by far the most important; you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.

Honestly this list could go on and on, but I thought these ideas were the necessities. Life is so precious and remarkable, so make sure you take full advantage of it and live your life to the fullest degree.

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