One of the most talked about TV shows today is "How to Get Away with Murder." The episodes are intense always make your mind go crazy. You don't know what to think or where to begin. How did they die? Who killed who? It is so mind blowing that I absolutely love it. The main character in the show is Annalise Keating. She is a lawyer/professor and the mastermind of the show. Like her, we all go through tough situations and interesting things in our lives. Here are some life quotes by Annalise Keating that can help us in life.
1. "Never take a learning opportunity away from another student, no matter how smart you need everyone to think you are."
If a student is trying hard in class and trying to learn, let them learn. Don't take anything away from them. You might the smartest student in the class, but let others have learning opportunities as well. Who knows, they might want to be that ace student who you have become.
3. "Think carefully. Everything after this moment will not only determine your career, but life."
As a senior in college, my time here is almost finished. Graduation is coming up faster than ever and it is time to make important decisions. What I decide to do with my life not only affects my career, but my life. I cannot screw up.
3. "Prayers are for the weak. I'll stick to beating your *ss in court."
I personally disagree with this quote. As a Christian, prayers are helpful in any situation. Whenever you need help, the power of prayer is a wonderful thing.
4. "Choose your husband carefully, Miss Pratt. You'll only have yourself to blame if it ends badly."
This is so true. It is important that you find the right person to spend the rest of your life with. You want them to be the right one. A marriage that ends on the wrong note is the last thing that you want. Choose them carefully and you will live a happy and healthy life.
5. "Let me help you. Because if you do, I promise you will get away with this."
We all have special people in our lives who we can go to when we need help. They can help us when we are in a funk or going through a difficult situation. Whether it is your parents, another family member, or a friend, they can help you. You trust them. You know that they can help you get away with anything.
6. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear."
What this tells me is that if you talk negatively towards another person, the devil will appear or something negative will happen to you. Bad is bad and when you think bad, bad will happen. I hope that last sentence made sense.
7. "Everyone's violent, given the chance."
We might not be violent in a physical way, but violence is on our minds. We might think, "Oh, I want to kill this person." It won't happen, but violence is on our minds. Hopefully, your violence is not shown in a physical way or as extremely as in the show.
8. "You call it crazy. I call it winning."
We can do the craziest things in order to make something positive. You might decide that college is what you want to do, even though you are not the best student. People may think that you're crazy, but if you perform well and get that degree, it is a great win for you.
9. "I am who I am. If you don't like it, I don't care."
This goes to anybody who may be looking to date. You want people to see who you are and what you do. They should like you for who you are. You should not have to change. If they don't like you for who you are, you shouldn't care about them. Move on.
10. "What you don't understand is not my concern."
Basically, if a person doesn't understand you and what you are saying, that is their fault. Understand the person and try to make sense of what they are trying to say to you. You might try to find a way to help them understand you, but if they can't understand what you are saying, it shouldn't be your concern.
Annalise Keating is one crazy person, but what she says does make some sense. Our lives might not be as messed up as hers, but we can take what she says and use it for whatever situation is going on in our lives. I would have never thought that her quotes would actually mean something for anybody, but they really do. Maybe you will watch the show now that you know a little bit about Annalise Keating. The season is over, but look out for the season premiere on Thursday, September 24, at 10:00 p.m. on ABC.