I-75 is always under construction.
This is of the worst parts about BG. The drivers can't drive and the semi trucks want to run us over. People either speed or go slow and you never know if you're going to get stuck in traffic. There's no avoiding it, we all have to drive on it at least once in our four years here.
1. "Where are the construction people?"
I've never actually seen people working on I-75. It's like they set up the road blocks and lane shifts and then never come back.
2. "Feel free to drive faster."![]()
The speed limit is 60 and you think that it's smart to go 40? You're almost as bad as the semi trucks.
3. "You drive a minivan, not a Bugatti."![]()
I'm already going over the speed limit and I don't know what you want from me. Tailgating me isn't going to help your situation and you're going to hit someone in your soccer mom van. You are not cool.
4. "Left lane only, semi trucks."
Can these drivers read? The signs definitely say trucks use left lane. Most of the time, you can get over to the left lane. Feel free to do that because you're screwing over the people who are getting on 75.
5. "Nice turn signal."![]()
Just because I can see you moving into the lane, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't use the handy device that lets other people know.
6. "If you don't go to BG, then get out of my way."![]()
Everyone should stay out of the right lane unless they're going to BG. That way, we don't have to get caught in traffic. I got stuck five miles from BG for two hours once because people suck.
7. "How are you texting right now?"![]()
I'm just going to assume you have a death wish. Texting and driving on this road is beyond dangerous.
8. "Stay in your lane!"![]()
I would prefer not to get in an accident, so please stay in your lane. They're those white dotted lines on the road. It's not rocket science, people.
9. "Who taught you how to drive?"![]()
Did you fail your driving test three times as well? Maybe you should retake your driving test because you, sir, certainly cannot drive and you should not be allowed on the road.
10. "How can this entire highway be under construction?"
Whose bright idea was it to put the entire highway under construction? What are you even fixing?
11. "Toledo still sucks."
This is what connects to Toledo. So, I-75 sucks, but not as much as Toledo.