To all of the doe-eyed graduating high school seniors who have no idea what to expect going into college, this article is for you. I like to think that I have some expertise in the subject as I finish up my first year.
So here are all my need-to-knows. Prepare yourself. You're about to embark on the year of a lifetime.
Take this last summer at home to catch your breath because Lord knows you won't have time to for awhile. Once you get on campus, you'll realize you didn't even know it was possible to reach that level of busy. From social events to keeping up with school, if you somehow have twenty minutes to grab a nap then you're winning at life.
You are not too cool to participate in weird freshman traditions. Do them. You'll be glad you did.
Sleep is a precious, precious gift. Treasure it always.
Midnight Taco Bell/Whataburger runs are your friend. But don't go too crazy... freshman weight gain IS a thing.
Find your personal stress reliever ASAP. Whether it's going for a run around campus or cleaning your dorm from top to bottom, you will need this when you feel like you're going to drown in that calculus homework.
Make time for yourself. I can't stress this enough. No matter how incredible your room mate is, it's healthy to have alone time to decompress. I recommend taking your car to the empty top level of the parking garage and blaring music until you're ready to rejoin society.
In high school, you might not have had to try very hard and still ended up with all As on your report card at the end of every year. Get ready for college to kick your ass. Sadly, effort is necessary for success. Listen to me now so you don't have to learn the hard way. The library should be your home away from home. Learn to love it.
Most likely you will be ballin' on a budget. It's not easy being a poor college kid so don't be surprised when you get WAY over excited about the opportunity for a free t-shirt or pizza. Just roll with it.
Be intentional when it comes to friendships. You are going to meet some of the most incredible people that the world has to offer. They will quickly become your best friends and going a day without seeing them is abnormal. As sappy as it sounds, they are what will transform "just a college town" into your home.
Lastly, be spontaneous. Take chances and do things just because you can. Go out on a Thursday night when you probably should be studying. Explore the random hole-in-the-wall places in your city. Sing at the top of your lungs and dance like a crazy person at two in the morning with your room mates. Those are the moments that will carry you through the tough parts of college. Those are the memories that will last a life time.
We'll see you soon, incoming freshman. Get ready!