1. She’s always willing to share her food with you. That’s true love right there.
2. If you can manage to go three days without talking, you’ll have a month’s worth of catching up to do.
3. You can call her anytime. For anything. Because you know she gets great enjoyment and a sense of purpose every time you call her to ask for her help cooking... which is pretty much every time you try to cook anything.
4. She compliments you all the time. She’s seen you without makeup and she insists that you’re just as beautiful without it.
5. She’s your biggest fan. And she actually likes to hear you brag about yourself, because she’s your #1 cheerleader and she is so proud of you and your accomplishments.
6. When you tell your friends that you and your mom “tell each other everything," they will never fully understand that “everything” actually means just that. You have discussions about poop, gossip, that cute boy you saw at Starbucks, finances, and the weather. Nothing is off limits.
7. She’s constantly posting funny cat videos on your Facebook timeline… for all of your friends to see... and you don’t even care (Okay, maybe you care a little bit, but you love her too much to say anything. Besides, those cat videos are pretty funny).
8. There are certain things from your past that you only feel comfortable talking to her about, because she is the only person who truly gets you (she is your mom, after all).
9. She tries to get it, even when she really doesn’t. No, she may not understand your fashion sense, but she’s ALWAYS down for a shopping trip when you’re together.
10. You can be away from her for months, and yet it feels like you never left each other at all when you finally do reconnect.
11. She loves you relentlessly. She ‘s seen it all… the good, the bad− the ugly. In fact, she’s seen you ugly cry probably more times than you’d like to admit, and she’s taken care of you after you had your wisdom teeth out and looked like a real-life, swelled-up chipmunk. But still she loves you just the same.
12. It takes you 4 hours to tell her about a story that could be told in 10 minutes, only because both of you keep getting distracted and end up discussing the ultimate meaning of life and go on tangents about deeper, more meaningful topics.
13. You can make eye contact with her without saying anything and she’ll know exactly what you’re thinking.
14. When you say, “you know what I mean?” after trying to explain yourself, you know that you don’t have to envelop on it further because she actually does.
15. She always comes to your defense, no matter if you’re wrong or right. She’s the only person who will ask, “WHO DO I NEED TO BEAT UP?” after finding out that you got burned by someone, without questioning who was at fault in the first place.