11 Reasons Why Inside Out Is The Best New Disney/Pixar Movie
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11 Reasons Why Inside Out Is The Best New Disney/Pixar Movie

Because it's more than just a movie.

11 Reasons Why Inside Out Is The Best New Disney/Pixar Movie

I was raised on Disney/Pixar movies. "Toy Story," "The Lion King," and "Monster's Inc." are all movies that I will still watch to this day. At the ages of 19 and 20, we all walk around our college campuses quoting and referencing these movies. Don't deny it; I know you do. They're our childhood, so how could we forget them? Because of the high standard that these movies set, when Disney and Pixar come out with new movies, I'm always hesitant. Nothing can live up to the ones that I grew up with! However, Pixar's done it again with its new movie, "Inside Out."

I went to the drive-in in Maine this summer with four other friends and very low expectations. Despite these expectations, I couldn't help but laugh until I snorted at some parts and then sob, loudly and embarrassingly, at others. I was so unbelievably happy with this movie because it's so incredibly realistic. We all have moments of joy, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness but, like in the movie, it's all of these emotions that make us who we are. From the characters to the underlying message, there are a million reasons why this movie is just so incredible. But I will give you 11.

1. Joy

Joy is arguably the main character of the movie. She's faced with challenge after challenge, and never lets herself give up. She does absolutely everything she can to make sure Riley is okay. So next time you're having a bad day, your alarm doesn't go off or you spill your coffee, find your inner Joy! Make others smile but, most importantly, make yourself happy. Compliment how great you look. Your grades. Anything, really! Just never forget to be happy with who you are!

2. Anger

Everyone has days where they feel exactly like Anger, when you can literally feel the fire exploding out of the top of your head, days where not even a group hug can make you feel better! That's when you really know that it's been a rough day! Just remember that it's going to be okay.

3. Disgust

Then, there are the moments where you are undoubtedly Disgust, when someone can just be breathing wrong and all you want to do is hit them. You try to make subtle hints by rolling your eyes and shooting them the occasional death stare, but they STILL DON'T GET IT! I mean, how can someone just be so blind?! But no matter how low on the scale of one to 10 your day is, try not to let Disgust take over.

4. Fear

But wait, what are those people laughing at? Probably me. And this test tomorrow, which I'm absolutely going to fail. WAIT! Did you hear that noise? It's probably an animal or a crazy person! OH, I AM DOOMED! Fear can consume every thought that runs through your mind if you let it. But what kind of life are you living if you're constantly anxious about everything? Take a breath and find your inner Joy!

5. Sadness

Life has so many problems, and sometimes all you want to do is sit and wallow in this pain. Why get out of bed or move or talk when you can just cry? A good cry can feel nice every once in a while, but it's not healthy to constantly wallow. Think about the positive and try to find your inner Joy!

6. Bing Bong

What's a Disney or Pixar movie without the goofy, heartfelt character? It's impossible to not fall head over heels in love with Bing Bong. He's an absolute goofball! He sings and dances and does anything in his power to help Joy, Sadness, and Riley get better. Every time he opened his mouth, I couldn't help but smile. Besides, we've all had some sort of imaginary friend at some point in our lives, and seeing that on the big screen warms all of our hearts!

7. The edge of your seat suspense

I don't know about anyone else, but I was on the edge of my seat watching Joy and Sadness try to return to headquarters. As every possible way back crumbled before them, I was genuinely worried. I mean, of course there has to be a happy ending, as any Pixar movie would have, but I couldn't see how that was going to happen. Never once did my attention waver!

8. The comedy

Through all of this suspense, though, I was constantly laughing! It started out as a polite giggle, just a few cracks at a time. But as the movie went on, I couldn't contain it any more. I laughed, and I mean, really laughed. Like belly aching, cheeks numb, nose snorting! I am sure people were staring, but I had absolutely no idea. The movie was just too great!

9. The tears

The hardest moment of the movie by far is when Big Bong sacrificed himself for Joy and Riley. He was the most beloved character. Maybe not always the funniest or the smartest, but he had the most special place in all of our hearts. As Bing Bong jumped out of the rocket wagon, I felt the tears begin to sting my eyes, and as he waved to Joy and said, "Take her to the moon for me," the tears poured. The sobs were uncontrollable and my heart was breaking! Now, I'm very aware that not everyone is quite as emotional as I am, but you're flat out lying if you say that Bing Bong's sacrifice didn't grab or tear your heart from your chest!

10. The importance of family

As if Bing Bong wasn't enough, they had to have an extremely emotional reunion and family group hug. Riley was so sad and angry and disgusted and scared that she didn't know how to be okay. Her family was always a constant force in her life. They all loved each other so much, and you could see it through the animation. So as Riley returned from her runaway attempt and fell into the incredible support of her family, I felt my heart being put back together. *cue the sobs*

11. Mental health awareness

The most important part of this movie is the underlying message: mental health. This movie exhibits exactly what happens in the minds of people who have mental health issues. Some emotions get lost while the others fight to take charge. It's impossible for someone to control this on their own, and that is what the movie is trying to teach people.

There's a serious problem in our society today with mental health. It's very difficult to understand, but it is a problem. So many people are battling with the pain of how to feel and act and that makes it so hard for them to be who they are. And the worst part is, these people are almost impossible to recognize. We can't see them struggle because it's all inside of them. Unless they ask for help, it's almost never given to them. But that's the thing, they usually don't ask for help, not until it's too late. People with mental illness believe they can handle it and they'll be fine on their own, when in reality they need help. In "Inside Out," Riley's feeling this emotional imbalance and yet no one notices. Although her family is always there for her, they just can't see how much pain she's in.

All of the emotions are hilarious and relatable, and I know that, at least my friends and I, loved to pick who was which one. But the truth behind them is a much stronger message. This movie is really the first one to really send such a strong and important message about mental health. And, in my opinion, that's the best reason to love this movie. It isn't just made to entertain, it's made to teach and to help.

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