The Types of People In the Library During Finals As Told By Spongebob Squarepants
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The Types of People In the Library During Finals As Told By Spongebob Squarepants

We all know these types of people when it comes to finals studying!

The Types of People In the Library During Finals As Told By Spongebob Squarepants
The Odyssey Online

As every college student is aware, finals week is upon us. This can mean only one thing: a trip--or, for some, a mini vacation--to the library. Frequent library goers tend to notice a pattern of certain types of people that venture through the library as it gets closer and closer to finals. We all know it's true, so what better way is there to describe these types of people other than through SpongeBob Squarepants?

1. The Regulars

Some call them nerds, but I call them dedicated. They're the ones who are here every weekend, all year long. They are professional library goers-- their agenda is filled to the brim with things to accomplish, and all they need is a perfect spot near an outlet to get some serious work done. But be warned: they will not hesitate to give you the dirtiest look you've ever received in your life if you steal their coveted spot.

2. The Procrastinators

Let's not kid ourselves, here, we all know those people. They're the ones who constantly complain about having only a paragraph of their thesis paper written when, in reality, they would have been just as productive if they had a conversation with a rock.

3. The Panickers

"Wasn't that final group presentation just assigned last month?", "Wait, I thought I had at least another week to get that paper written", "I really need to invest in a planner", "How much do you think I could pay my professor to pass me at this point?" These are just a few of the classic responses you'll hear from across the library when these people just can't get it together. We get it, nobody's perfect at time management skills in college! Panickers, just keep that manic feeling in mind when you're five cups of coffee and three mental breakdowns into the night.

4. The Slackers

You know that family who shows up at Church every year for Christmas, and maybe for Easter if they're having a good year? Yeah, don't be that family when you go to the library, or else you will be on The Regulars' hit list for the entire week of finals. The Slackers don't even know where the bathrooms are, let alone which floor is for quiet study. Don't worry, there's always a handful of them roaming around looking for the printers!

5. The Zombies

There's being a regular, a slacker, and then there's being a total zombie. They're the people that still somehow have the motivation at this point in the semester to attack finals head-on. The only problem is, that motivation disappears completely by about hour 9. Nevertheless, they keep going and together form a miniature Walking Dead army. By the end of their pre-finals weekend they aren't sure which way is up or down, and can't decide if they need a nap, a shower, a shot of 5 Hour Energy, or a really big hug.

6. The American Idol Contestants

These people are the reason their fellow students automatically lose 50 percent of their remaining sanity. While I whole-heartedly agree that everyone studies differently and should do what works for them, I really don't appreciate the people that feel the need to sing their entire Spotify playlist--out loud--to the entire library. Ever heard of headphones?

7. The Loners

And no, I don't mean the people who have no friends. Personally, I completely understand why some people would rather study alone-- it's easier to get things done that way. But, for the love of all that is good, do not be the person that sits all alone at a table that could seat seven people. The Loners aren't the people that get there early and save a table for their friends-- they just sit there. All night. Alone. News flash: single chair areas/desk spaces are a thing!

8. The Socializers

Much like the American Idol Contestants, these people are almost as annoying as nematodes. They sit there and have a full-on conversation about what Stephanie drunk-texted her boyfriend on Friday night. News flash: it's pretty hard to focus on Game Theory when we all hear a play-by-play from their group across the floor. It's okay to take study breaks, but this is a library!

9. The Snackers

If college students universally know one thing about studying, it's that it's prime time for snacking. From Domino's to Subway to Lay's, everyone has their favorite study snack. However, The Snackers practically have a Thanksgiving meal during their library finals sessions. They bring enough food to live at their table for a week, and the constant munching and crunching can get a bit distracting after a while.

10. The Criers

It's the Sunday night before the start of finals week. It's about 8 p.m. The library is packed full of people (some of whom you've never seen before). Look around-- there's always at least one person on the verge of tears, or already crying. Hey, everyone handles stress differently! The Criers, however, have their own mission when it comes to studying for finals: cry until the information is retained. Does it work? In most cases, no, but it does make for a really good emotional release. But honestly, in the heat of the stress, can we really blame them?

While there are definitely certain types of people you find in the library, there are plenty of others who roll through during finals time. Whether you or your friends are one of these types or a combination of a few, you'll be sure to pass exams with a little bit of SpongeBob's motivation! Best of luck on finals, and happy studying!

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