Where Are They Now: Disney Channel Original Movie Stars
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Where Are They Now: Disney Channel Original Movie Stars

The early 2000s were one of the best times to be a kid! We rode Razor scooters, collected Beanie Babies and had the very first iPods. We also enjoyed some of the greatest TV Movies Disney has yet to produce.

Where Are They Now: Disney Channel Original Movie Stars

1. Wish Upon a Star (1996)

After wishing on a shooting star Hayley Wheaton (Danielle Harris) switches places with her older sister, Alexia Wheaton (Katherine Heigl). They spend the next few days trying to sabotage the other's reputation but eventually grow to respect each other. 


Danielle Harris went on to voice Debbie Thornberry in The Wild Thornberrys (1998-2004) TV series. She now stars in many horror films including Halloween II (2009) and See No Evil 2 (2014). 

Katherine Heigl continues to have a very successful career. She is best known for her role on Grey's Anatomy(2005-2010) as Dr. Izzie Stevens. She will be starring in NBC's new show State of Affairs which is scheduled to air November 17, 2014. 

2. Brink! (1998)

Andy Brinker (Erik von Detten) and his team of "Soul-Skaters" skate for fun, the opposite of Team X-Bladz, a sponsored team in town. Brink discovers his family is in financial trouble and joins Team X-Bladz forcing him to live a double life.  


Erik von Detten was EVERY girl's crush in the early 2000s! Detten went on to star as Josh Bryant in The Princess Diaries (2001) and was the voice of Sid, Andy's evil neighbor in the Toy Story films. Detten hasn't starred in anything for some time but I know we would love to see this heartthrob make a comeback! 

3. Halloweentown (1998)

On Halloween, Marnie Piper (Kimberly J Brown) and her siblings discover their grandmother, Aggie, is a witch and that they have magic powers as well. Aggie needs their help to save Halloweentown from a dark and evil magic. 

Kimberly J. Brown went on to star in the next two Halloweentown movies, as well as the Disney Channel Original Movie, Quints (2000). Recently, Brown starred in the TV series, Low Winter Sun (2013) as Shana Taylor. Brown enjoys crafting and currently sells painted signs on Etsy which feature her favorite quotes and a personalized note on the back. 

4. Johnny Tsunami (1999)

Johnny Kapahala (Brandon Baker), a young hawaiian surfer who is forced to take his skills to the slopes when his family moves to Vermont.

In his youth, Brandon Baker starred in a number of Disney movies and television shows including The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story (1998), Even Stevens (2000-2003) and The Proud Family (2005). In April 2014, Baker starred in the raunchy comedy The Formula

5. The Thirteenth Year (1999)

Cody Griffin (Chez Starbuck), an adopted teen, learns his birth mother is a mermaid on his thirteenth birthday when he starts to grow fins. 

Starbuck went on to star in the movies, You're Invited to Mary-Kate and Ashley's School Dance (2000) and Recipe for Disaster (2003). Starbuck now lives in Austin, TX with his family, where he focuses on painting. His paintings are for sale online through the site Fine Art America under the name Caesaray Starbuck. 

6. Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (1999)

Zenon Kar (Kirsten Storms) lives with her family in an orbiting space station, until she gets in trouble with the station's commander and is forced to live on Earth with her Aunt. 

Kirsten Storms went on to star in the next two Zenon sequels and voiced Bonnie Rockwaller in the Disney series Kim Possible (2002-2007). Away from Disney, Storms has had a strong presence on TV starring as Belle Black on Days of Our Lives (2000-2004) and as Maxie Jones on General Hospital (2005-2014)

7. Rip Girls (2000)

Sydney Miller (Camilla Belle) moves back to Hawaii with her father, where she discovers more about herself, her mother and the Island. 


Camilla Belle most recently starred in When a Stranger Calls (2006), 10,000 BC (2008) and a number of short films. Belle received a lot of media attention for her relationship with Joe Jonas and her feud with Taylor Swift. 

8. Life Size (2000)

Casey Stuart (Lindsay Lohan) brings her doll to life, when she tries to cast a spell to bring her mother back to life. 


Over the years, Lindsey Lohan has battled her fair share of demons but has managed to remain in a number of films including, Mean Girls(2004), Liz & Dick (2012), and InAPPropriate Comedy (2013). Lohan has also guest starred on many TV shows such as Eastbound & Down (2013) and 2 Broke Girls (2014). 

9. Model Behavior (2000)

Alex Burroughs (Maggie Lawson), a shy teenager meets a famous teenage model at her fathers business party. When the two girls realize they look similar, they switch places. 

Maggie Lawson has starred in the sitcoms Crumbs (2006), Rules of Engagement (2007), and It's All Relative (2003-2004). She is best known for her role as Detective Juliet O'Hara on Psych (2006-2014)

10. Phantom of the Megaplex (2000)

Pete Riley (Taylor Handley) is the manager of the local movie theatre. They are problems at the movie theatre like title changes and tornados. Pete must find the source of the problem while keeping the theatre running.

Tyler Handley continues to be an actor and producer. He starred in television shows like The OC (2003-2004), Southland (2009-2010) and Vegas (2012-2013). He has also starred in many films such as, Channeling (2013), Chasing Mavericks (2012) and is best known for his role as Dean in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006).

11. The Luck of the Irish (2001)

When Kyle Johnson (Ryan Merriman) has his lucky coin stolen, he learns about his family's history of being leprechauns. It is up to Kyle to track down the leprechauns that stole his family's luck.


Ryan Merriman also starred in another great Disney Channel Original Movie, Smart House (1999). Away from Disney, Merriman starred in the films The Ring Two (2005), Final Destination 3 (2006) and 42 (2013). He also played the role of Ian Thomas in Pretty Little Liars (2010-2014).

12. Motocrossed (2001)

Andrea 'Andi' Carson (Alana Austin) poses as her brother Andrew Carson (Trevor O'Brien) to win the big race when he breaks his leg. 

Trevor O'Brien went on to star in Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004), Gridiron Gang (2006) and Grey's Anatomy (2012). He continues to act and produce.

Alana Austin starred in the film Popstar (2005) with Aaron Carter and in the series Cold Case (2005).

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