NAU: Who?
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Student Life

NAU: Who?

As told by the Ladies of Gamma Phi Beta.

NAU: Who?

Arizona: both hot and dry, humid from time to time and for the sports lovers, the annual host for Spring Training. And what about its colleges? Oh yes, Arizona is also the land of rival schools with Arizona State and U of A.

But behind every big state team rivals is a smaller, quieter and just as popular school. In this case, we have Northern Arizona University, (NAU for short) located in Flagstaff, Arizona. Yes. That is a real place.

Sitting on a mountain 7,000 feet up, tourists come for the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona Snowbowl or the historic Route 66, but at the end if the day, they stay for pride. Flagstaff, Arizona is the home of the mighty Lumberjacks and all year round, our students, faculty and alumni, come together and bleed the best colors around: blue and gold.

(NAU Tailgate, 2014. From Left to Right: Hunter Wilson-Pena, Junior; Lexi Katzman, Junior, and Nicole Stanczak; Senior)

If you are from Arizona, chances are you are among the select few that have actually heard about this university. But if you aren't and you are like me, an out of stater, then you are left with networking. Maybe a college search for your degrees or budget or perhaps you originally liked ASU but realized it was too big, ultimately embracing a smaller town with big heart and a beautiful campus. 

"I was interested in NAU because of its unique small college town feel, the fact that it offers a Strategic Communications program also caught my eye because many other schools don't. And lastly, the fact we get actual seasons." - Ashley Stites, Junior.

So, believe it or not, but Flagstaff, Arizona actually gets snow... And we have proof!

(South Campus: Engineering Building. Spring 2014).

"I toured NAU as senior in high school and the campus had something no other campus I had toured offered. It had a sense of community. A sense of belonging." - Lexi Katzman, Junior

(Central Campus, picture provided by @nauflagstaff on Instagram).

 NAU has a lit to offer for a smaller campus, with only two through streets for cars. It has forest surrounding it and cramped parking. Which gives you little choice in walking, riding a bike or catching the NAU Louie Line (a campus bus provided by student fees that travel from north to south campus aka the only way to make it from one class to another in 20 minutes). All in all, we are a fairly green campus and have a countless number sustainability programs to keep our campus balanced.

While north campus is set to its original red brick, filled with green fields, park benches and trees, south campus is slowly becoming more modern; ultimately pleasing everyone.

                         (North Campus: Old Main, during the Fall.)

So while our campus respects it's past and has preserved its original structure, it accommodates the fast paces student in a high tech society. And while campus is loved dearly, once the weekend comes, it quickly turns into a ghost town, meaning there is only a few places you can find us; downtown Flag or somewhere in Sedona.

(Sedona Day Hike, 2014)

But can you blame us? This place is beautiful!

Downtown Flagstaff: Hotel Monte Vista - most famously staring in the film Raise Your Voice with Hilary Duff, 2004.

"I loved feeling like I could literally live, work, go to school, and play all in one place." - Lexi Katzman, Junior.

All in all, we are more than just academic driven or athletically competitive. We as Lumberjacks are adventurous, always on the move for the next big exciting thing and just down right FUN.

Photo: Left - Hoodie Allen taking selfies with his fans after a long night of performing this past Thursday, February 19th. Right: Alex Simon, Sophomore with Hoodie Allen HIMSELF.

And coming up NEXT...

Without a doubt NAU has some pretty cool, unique features tucked around the university but of course we couldn't mention them all here. So the next time you are in the area, drop by campus! You are sure to meet the friendliest people on Earth and instantly feel at home at Northern Arizona University. Have a Kick Axe Day; GO JACKS!

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