Today's world is more progressive than ever. With the cultural shifts that have taken place, one aspect of society has been killed in the process -- being a man.
Being a man is frowned upon more than ever. Let's be clear -- not the physical aspect, the mental aspect. More specifically, our society is marking the death of masculinity -- the death of a foundation that many of us were raised on. And I'm here to say that, yes, it's okay to be masculine.
Growing up, I was encouraged to be tough, not to be a cry baby. I learned to stand up for myself and what I believe in, not to worry that every single thing might possibly offend someone. I also learned to shrug off things that offend me (sticks and stones). I learned to show emotion when appropriate, not too much, but enough to make you human, but not enough that my fortitude was in doubt. I learned chivalry -- paying for dates, and opening doors. I learned to open those doors not because I thought that women weren't capable of opening the doors themselves, but for the integrity of preserving chivalry and respect for women. I learned to rub dirt on wounds, walk off the injuries, and keep pressing forward. Most importantly, I didn't learn that these things were "wrong" until I got to college. I grew up in a world where this was the norm. I now live in a place where this attitude is frowned upon.
Masculinity is subjective. Everyone's definition of masculinity may be different, but it seems that the brand of masculinity that developed my values, is frowned upon. I know I am not the only one who shares my view of masculinity. My view of masculinity is a very traditional view of masculinity that has been established in society for a long time. For those of us who feel that this view is dying, keep rubbing dirt on the wound and being tough. You were raised to stand up for what you believe in, and your view is okay, too, regardless of what society tells you!