Dunder Mifflin's regional manager, Michael Scott, knows a little more than just paper. From dating his boss, Jan, to the love of his life, Holly in HR, the salesman has learned a thing or two about selling himself. Although he falls hard and fast, Michael has shown us that even the most hopeless of hopeless romantics can find the love they are looking for. So, let's take a look at a few things Michael Scott has taught us about dating.
1. Getting too emotionally invested can lead to heartache.
If you fall in love on the fist date, propose on the second, and book a trip to sandals Jamaica a month in, you are in for trouble. You don't want to get your hopes up too quickly, so take it slow.
2. Breakups can really hurt.
A bad break up can ruin you emotionally for all other relationships. It can even seem like you might never move on.
3. But after every emotional heartbreak, there is healing.
You'll be ready to put yourself out there again before you know it!
4. Always stay positive even if the dating scene isn't too promising.
Every day you get more glum, the more you are willing to do for a date, and the more grateful you will be when someone is finally interested in you.
5. Also be careful who you sleep with.
It's just not.
6. Be honest about your weaknesses up front.
It's good to have an open and honest relationship with the person you are seeing. They will find out your flaws eventually. So, maybe let them know about that time you hit one of your employees with your car.
7. When in a fight with your significant other, play dumb.
It's better to say nothing than say the wrong thing.
8. When you meet someone great there is still the potential of getting hurt.
Like Michael has experienced, you will have your fair share of breakups and emotional break downs. There will be times when all you want to do is eat ice cream and listen to James Blunt, but that shouldn't stop you from playing the game. Take the risk!
9. And sometimes the dating game can just suck.
You may feel like your friends have been setting you up with the worst people lately, or no matter how hard you try no one wants to go out with you.
10. But the most important thing is:
Eventually, you'll find your Holly. Keep your head up!