Meet Your New Idol: Elijah Daniel | The Odyssey Online
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Meet Your New Idol: Elijah Daniel

The 22-year-old who is proving that life is best lived by giving no f***s.

Meet Your New Idol: Elijah Daniel
Elijah Daniel

Elijah Daniel—writer, comedian, best selling author, and accidental innovator. He's on Twitter as '@aguywithnolife,' but don't let his Twitter handle fool you. This man has lived. His life is pretty much just a series of happy accidents, and he soon plans to take his unbelievable life to television, with a docu-series and a scripted series that has an ensemble cast of Internet personalities. This "guy with no life" could very well be the next big thing, and you should be keeping an eye out for him.

You're probably wondering exactly what has merited Elijah Daniel the title of "the next big thing." Well, to start things off...

He wrote and self-published a 20-page erotic novel about Donald Trump when he was drunk one night—adding "best selling author" to his array of accomplishments.

This is Daniel's most recent and successful, legendary stunt. He has an array of "accomplishments" that make him the guy everyone should have their eye on.

In 2013, Daniel created a petition requesting that Miley Cyrus' hit song, "Party In The U.S.A" become the US' national anthem. The petition garnered over two million signatures.

Seriously though, why isn't "Party In The U.S.A" the national anthem?

Despite America's disloyalty to Miley Cyrus, Elijah knows just how important loyalty and dedication is. And just like any sane person, he lovesTaco Bell, and is one of their most loyal customers.

So much so that he got "@tacobell" tattooed on his hand.

Basically, Elijah Daniel just has a random thought and goes with it. Yes, this seems rather crazy and impulsive, and somewhat dangerous, but he is fully living by doing spur of the moment things, and not giving a f***.

Like the time he got kicked out of a Ying Yang Twins concert because he decided to jump on stage.

If you don't know who the Ying Yang Twins are, then you probably had a tragic bar/bat mitzvah-less childhood, or were just not present for a fair two to three years of the mid 2000s.

Or the time he accidentally got cast in a Ryan Gosling movie, because he tweeted that he was going to go streaking across the set.

He has also farted in the presence of Ryan Gosling.

Eva Mendes probably hasn't even farted in front of Ryan Gosling, and she's the mother of his child.

Daniel is also famous for helping create one of the most popular tumblr memes of 2014. However, we here at Odyssey like to keep things relatively PG-13, and this meme is not PG-13 enough to show, so it's been linked instead!

This man has achieved so much greatness, that his "accomplishments" are being recognized by people all over the world. He's even joining the ranks of greatest people to have ever lived, by being made into a hologram.

Elijah Daniel is going to be made into a hologram, and his hologram will be high-fiving none other, than Tupac's hologram.

So why should Elijah Daniel be your new idol? Because he is the hero everyone needs. He does things that you wish you were bold enough to do, and he teaches everyone that the best life is the one without any fears or restrictions. Is he the best role model out there? Maybe not. However, he does show that no matter how dumb one of your ideas might be, you should still follow through (as long as it doesn't harm anyone), because it could turn out a lot better than expected. Elijah teaches you to dream big, even if it's not intentional, but his entire twitter is pretty much proof that if you have a dream/idea, anything can happen.

And if you still need more convincing that Elijah Daniel should be your new idol, then just know this:

He is one of very few owners of the soul of a small Amish boy.

And also has great Hallmark card ideas.

So thank you, Elijah Daniel, for being an accidental inspiration. The next time you want to do something, but aren't completely sure you should do it, just think "what would Elijah Daniel do?" and then do it, because he would most likely do it, too. He is only 22-years-old, and has already achieved everything mentioned in this article, and more. Don't wait until you're 65 to start living like Elijah Daniel—start right now.

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