Childhood is a beautiful thing. You're carefree, fun-loving, and know nothing about fashion. If you're a child born in the mid-late 90's, like me, you definitely obsessed over a lot of crazy fads throughout your childhood years. Some of these trends were awesome while others make you cringe in regret as you look at your old Facebook/myspace photos or flip through your mom's scrapbooks. Here's my list of the best and worst trends from our childhood.
1. "Scene" style
Don't lie to me, you totally envied these people. Many of us begged our parents to let us dye our hair crazy colors or get those hideous shaggy haircuts only to be disappointed when they said no. Now, we are all definitely thanking them for never letting us make that mistake.
2. Editing our photos with Picnik
Whether you wrote your name, "besties," a quote, or just put a design, you're still swimming through a sea of regret from making that Picnik edit your Facebook profile picture.
3. Abercrombie and Hollister
Paying way too much money for a poorly made t-shirt to advertise for their company was a pretty bad trend. The stores are poorly lit, stink of strong perfume, and you've face-planted at least once by tripping over something another customer left on the floor.
4. Coach purses
These tacky purses were the only designer bag our parents would ever consider buying us because they were so cheap. We literally only wore them to show off the logo and pretend like we had money and weren't just snotty little kids with an allowance from chores.
5. Crocs
I am 100% guilty of following the Crocs trend back in the day. I had a pair in every color and would deck them out with jibbits to make sure nobody would forget what my favorite things were. These shoes were hideous, but I have to admit they were pretty comfy.
6. Justin Bieber haircuts
Don't get me wrong, I love Justin Bieber, but so many nerdy looking boys adopted this haircut upon his rise to fame. Most of the time, these kids were greasy pre-teens who never washed their hair and wore skate shoes.
7. Weird hats
For some reason, we were always wearing ugly hats. Fedoras, newsboy caps and beanies were all pretty big hits that made us all look ridiculous.
8. Gaucho pants
These were the ugliest pants probably to ever exist. Pair them with your favorite graphic tee or baby doll top and you were set to take on the world. While I do admit these were super comfortable, they were extremely embarrassing.
Now to make you feel a little better about yourself here is the best.
1. Heelys
Literally the coolest shoe ever. Everyone had to have these and the trend lasted a solid amount of time until places started banning them. Personally, I think these should totally make a comeback. As a lazy person who would rather not invest in a hoverboard, these would be prime transportation.
2. iPods that weren't phones
Only because iPhones don't have enough storage space and I wish that it was still cool to have a separate iPod. They came in some pretty cool colors and you were definitely the envy of all your friends when you got one for your birthday.
3. Polly Pockets and Bratz Dolls
These homegirls were always looking on point. Now don't get me wrong, I lovedBarbie, but for some reason these two just always seemed a little cooler than her. Bratz dolls were edgy and hot (everything I wasn't at the time that I loved them) and Polly Pockets were similar to Barbie but small enough that you could literally bring them everywhere you went.
4. Twilight
Confession time: I was a major Twi-hard (yes, I literally called myself this) and a firm Team Edward supporter. Yes, the Twilight movies were so repetitive and Bella Swan's painfully awkward personality still makes me laugh, but you have to admit that these movies and books were addicting. The love story made us tween girls jealous over the fact that Bella had TWO supernatural hotties falling for her while we were all wearing too much eyeliner and being ignored by every boy in existence. Though it's embarrassing to look back on, I can't imagine my childhood without it.
5. Phones that didn't break
Razors, nokias, you name it, those suckers never cracked. Sure, they had less cool features than our iPhones and Galaxies, but you could literally drop it in the toilet on accident or throw it at a wall in a moody pre-teen fit and it would still work perfectly.
6. Webkinz and Club Penguin
This was the beginning of our social media obsession. Organizing to meet up with your friends on one of these sites was one of your favorite ways to communicate with them. Whoever had the best igloo or home for their pets basically won at life.
7. The Golden Age of Disney Channel
"That's So Raven," "Phil of the Future," "Lizzie McGuire," "Hannah Montana," "The Suite Life of Zach and Cody," and so many more were honestly some of the best shows ever. I still consider them the best shows ever.
8. Nintendo DS
These were literally my favorite. One time I snuck my DS into school and would ask to go to the bathroom to play Nintendogs. These were the most convenient gaming devices because you could bring them anywhere.