Pro-life, pro-abortion, or pro-choice: abortion laws are a big issue that divide the country.
I am pro choice. A woman's body is her own and she can choose what to do with it. You can't make someone not fake tan in the winter because it might give them skin cancer. It is their choice. They know the risks. They don't need you up their ass with your worthless opinion.
I could go on a long rant about why pro choice is the way to go, but the facts should be obvious.
If a woman is forced to keep a pregnancy, the man that aided it should be forced to stay. A woman should not be forced to raise a child on her own.
If you were given two things, in one hand a seven month old baby, and in the other, a petri-dish of cells- you have to drop one....what do you pick? The obvious choice is the cells. cells do not equal a baby.
If you are not a medical expert, quit acting like it. If you are not f*cking Bill Nye, don't tell me how a baby develops in the womb. Without science, your small underdeveloped brain wouldn't even have the slightest clue as to how a baby develops.You would not know the stages of growth, therefore you do not know what stage dictates life.
Allowing abortions should not be circumstantial. No one deserves or doesn't deserve an abortion. MY BODY, MY CHOICE. If you decide to have or not to have an abortion, the consequences are on you. It is not your moral choice to dictate what others do with their bodies.
I still do not understand the need for everyone to be in a woman's business. If you aren't the OB/GYN, stay out of my uterus.
If you don't like it, don't associate yourself with pro-abortionist and pro-choice supporters. Stay under your rock, where it's cold, dark, and friendless. Keep your small minded opinion to yourself, for pro-choice and pro-abortion supporters could care less.