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Unveiling the Characters of a Zumba Class: From Energetic Enthusiasts to Hilarious Hesitators

Don't be the lady who leaves after 10 minutes.

a fit person smiling in a workout class

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In any group fitness class, there are many interesting individuals thrown together in one large group. As a Zumba fitness instructor, there are plenty of characters that I see in my class almost every single time that I'm teaching.

The overly-energetic instructor

the overly energetic fitness instructor yelling and smiling in a workout class

Yes, our goal is to pump everyone up and make sure that no one wants to die in the middle of the class. Therefore, we have to be crazy and obnoxious because otherwise everyone will just stand there half-doing the moves, which is not the goal of a fitness class. Some instructors are crazier than others...I will acknowledge that.

The lady who looks like a professional Latin dancer

a lady who looks like a professional latin dancer wearing flashy clothes in a workout class

This lady is always standing towards the front of the class and executes all of the steps perfectly. She lowkey puts the instructor to shame but hey, she's killing it out there. You go girl, keep doing you.

The group of fit, old ladies who attend every Zumba class offered at the gym

These ladies are the ladies that you DO NOT want to piss off. They are the biggest Zumba groupies and if they hate your class, they WILL complain and they WILL get you fired. They are the scariest people ever.

The lady who has no idea what is going on

a group of fit old ladies making fists who attend every zumba class offered at the gym

Honestly, I love these people. In the beginning of the class, the instructor usually says "if you can't do a step, just modify what you have to!" But this lady takes it as, "just do whatever you want." It's totally fine that she is doing jumping jacks in the back corner while everyone else is doing a salsa step. It's fine.

The group of teenage girls that laugh the whole time

three teenage girls that secretly laugh and not paying attention in the back of a zumba class while everyone else is working out

Alright ladies, everyone looks a little silly when doing Zumba...if you can't handle a little booty-shaking action then just get out.

The lady that makes everything more difficult than it needs to be

a muscular lady doing a handstand at a workout class cartoon styleStableDiffusion

Zumba is already tiring in itself. It is an hour straight of high-intensity cardio and I can barely make it through a class. How this lady is wearing ankle and wrist weights during this hour is insane.

The lady that is so old that you don't know if she will make it out alive

old asian lady working out hard in a workout class filled with young people

Throughout the class, you low-key have to keep checking up on her because you fear that she will literally drop dead at any given moment. However, once you realize that she is capable of holding her own, you pray that you are as in-shape as she is when you grow old.

The lady who can't hang

a lady wearing super sweaty clothes walking out the door of a workout classStableDiffusion

This lady comes to every single Zumba but class, but always leaves after approximately 10 minutes. Honey, why bother?

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