Does studying suck? Yes. Is studying a necessary evil? Also, yes. Therefore, it's time to relearn how to study because Google can't save you in the middle of your anatomy midterm this semester. Who knows, maybe these study tricks won't be so torturous after all.
1. Make Some Flashcards
Yes, I know you're not in 4th grade anymore, but I promise you that this tried-and-true method will work. If you've got a class with a lot of vocabulary to memorize, then buckle up and head over to your nearest Office Depot because you're about to buy them out of index cards. This method is one of my favorites because it requires you to write out all of the terms and their definitions or significances (which is great for memorization) and because you can use the cards with some study-buddies or on your own if you're stuck in an isolation dorm.
Sell Your Soul to Quizlet
For those who are too lazy to actually MAKE flashcards, the good news is that somebody has probably already done it for you. The even better news is that Quizlet provides flashcards and a plethora of other study tools and games to hold your squirrel-like attention. Another perk of using Quizlet is that you don't have to haul 150 notecards around in your bookbag like it's the 1980's. Instead, you can use Quizlet anytime, anywhere.
Re-Write Your Notes
Unless you're one of those freaks of nature who can take notes during a lecture and manage to write down every word while making your notes look as beautiful as the Gutenberg Bible, there's a decent chance that you should be re-writing your notes after class. Taking the time to go back through your notes and nicely print them out allows you to review the material and make sure there's nothing important that you missed. I promise your hand cramps will be worth it once you don't fail your exams.
Join a Study Group
I know study groups can seem a bit cult-ish, but cults be damned! Your grades matter more than any possible cult activity, and I've never heard of a study group that didn't help students succeed. As long as you aren't sacrificing any sheep in the name of The Great God of Physics, I'd say working with your peers in an attempt not to fail your midterm is a great way to stay on top of your studies. Plus, it's not like you're required to go to every session. Even showing up just a few times can be the difference between graduating and becoming a 5th-year college student.
Take Advantage of Tutoring Services
Chances are that your school offers some fabulously free tutoring sessions - all you have to do is find them. The tutors are usually other students, so there's no need to worry about being stuck with some old white guy who yells at you every time you get the wrong answer to a calculus problem. Some one-on-one teaching might be just what you need, and you'll never know for sure unless you stick it to the man and head over to your college's tutoring/studying service. Plus, if it's free, what's the harm in taking advantage of it? If you're paying thousands of dollars to attend a university, you might as well get as much use out of it as you can.