1. "This is so awkward!" "Everyone has their cameras off and mics muted and I don't want to be the first one talking!"
2. "I hate having to introduce myself, I don't know what to say!"
3. "What are we even supposed to be doing right now?" "Why doesn't anyone know?
4. "Oh, please don't call on me, I swear."
5. "Why is only one person talking?"
6. "Are we supposed to hand this in individually, or as a group?" "I'd rather just listen to the lecture and take notes instead of this."
7. "I'd rather be anywhere else than in this breakout room right now." "What if I came up with a really good excuse to leave?"
8. " Yet again, I am doing all the work alone." "Can someone please just say something?"
9. "I really don't know how to do this but I'm just going to pretend as I do."
10. "How soon until this class is over?"