Don't hate me for this but you know these to be true.
To be fair, I've never met a Taurus I didn't like. However, I do know you guys are very materialistic AND cheap. That sure makes a log of sense, doesn't it?
Two-faced, selfish, arrogant, know it all...geez who hurt me? Oh, that's right, a Gemini. Am I wrong???? No.
Leos, you are my favorite of the zodiac, but that does not mean you are without flaws. Much like Aries, you are stubborn and quite conceited. You care an awful lot about what people think about you, even though you think very highly of yourselves already.
Virgos are workaholics, and can be a little overly critical. You guys are also fussy and judgmental. I suggest you put your work away for a weekend and take a vacation!
Libras are a lot like Leos in the conceited department. They use their charm to suck you in, but always show their true colors. Y'all are sneaky little trouble makers.
Just like a scorpion, get too close to a Scorpio and you'll get stung. Scorpios are vengeful, manipulative, and JEALOUS.
Short tempered, secretive, and difficult. You have to walk on eggshells when dealing with a Sag.
Capricorns care very deeply about EVERY THING. They have absolutely no patience, they're negative and uptight. If you thought you had to walk on eggshells with the Sagittarius in your life, just wait til you have a Cap.
You guys tend to be pretty detached and aloof. Once an Aquarius is done with you, they are DONE. So don't try to get back in their good graces.
(Sorry, Mom)
CRY. BABIES. All of you. Probably because you are so idealistic. You gotta try and be more rational. Keep those heads out of the clouds!