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What Your Zodiac Sign Truly Says About You

You thought you knew everything.

What Your Zodiac Sign Truly Says About You

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People usually have a vague concept of what their zodiac sign is supposed to "act" like and people are either like: "That's totally me.." or "That's not me at all..." Of course, your sun sign isn't the only thing in your natal chart that determines who you are as a human being but trait can be a big part of it.



Ruling planet Mars, associated body part is the head. Aries natives are always the first to start and last to finish. They're very ambitious and value their independence. They hate sitting still and want to always be doing something. However, they hate being wrong and they're very stubborn when it comes to certain things depending on the situation. As I said, their associated body part is the head so they're headstrong and straightforward. Next time you come across an Aries who won't do something for you, try reverse psychology.



We love a stable, grounded Taurus. This fixed sign likes to be left alone and will go about their day happily and calmly, however, just like any other bull, it won't be so happy if it's bothered. Due to how Taureans like their life stable and unbothered, they hate changes. When it comes down to it, they're very hard working but can be aloof so people misinterpret it as them being "lazy". When they work, they'll work but when they want to play they just kind of want to sit back and enjoy life.



Oh Geminis... Ruling planet Mercury, associated body part is hands. Both are very important to note. If you ever come across a Gemini, you'll notice they love to talk with their hands and always be doing something with their hands. Any sign of Gemini in Mercury? Are you a Gemini? You're in luck. These people are very quick-witted and know how to talk. They are always two or three steps ahead of everyone. Can see the underlying truth, can assess patterns very quickly and good memories. They'll be like: "Didn't you say something differently two weeks ago?" When they're trying to catch you in a lie.



As people say, they're the cancer of the earth, sensitive and the most motherly. This is all true. They aren't protected in a shell for no reason. They avoid changes in life and retreat back into their shell because they want to be protected and avoid getting their feelings hurt. However, they're very nurturing and motherly. They are the mother of the Zodiac because they have the survival instinct. Watch those pinchers though because they can get very clingy with who they like.



Leos, the fire sign with a literal heart of gold. They have the reputation to be "conceited", but they WANT to feel important. They are very affectionate and great leaders with courage. If you ever fall in love with a Leo, you'll seriously get the best of it. They can get hurt if people don't see their noble intentions, so don't go around trying to accuse a Leo because they're always going to have the intention of trying to be the hero of the day.



The Virgin and Mercury as their ruling planet. Virgos are, to put it simply, the feminine version of Gemini. Just like Gemini, if you are a Virgo or have Virgo in Mercury particularly, you are super analytical, intelligent and conscientious. They LOVE organization and carry a sense of wisdom along with them. Virgos are also intact with their bodies and love to take care of their health. Not going to lie, but they're also freaks on the low… If you know what I mean.



The ruler of the house of marriage, the perfect air sign and what better way than to have Venus as their ruling planet. Libras need balance in their life and seek for harmony and justice. Sun sign Libras are seen as sociable and approachable. However, be careful because when it comes to situations they want the middle ground so in the process, they might end up trying to be the mediator and get caught up in the "drama". They also lack in trying to take a stand for themselves.



Scorpios are probably the most misunderstood sign since they're so ominous and the darkest sign in the Zodiac. They are cunning and observant, they love to see trouble from a mile away. They are definitely known for their intensity, intuitiveness and strong willpower. Scorpios know what they want and they need to sit back and investigate. Scorpios love hard, but if someone hurts them… Revenge hurts like a bitch.

(They're also sex-freaks. )



Sagittarians are travelers and learners. They also make great teachers because they rule the ninth house which is the house of learning. However, they are a fire sign and we have to keep that in mind. Even though they can appear grounded, they have a mouth of spitfire. They seriously don't hold anything back and will be very honest with you. They can also be very hard on themselves and don't take criticism very well.



Capricorns. They always have their eye on the prize and are super hard working people. The workaholics of the Zodiac. Like other earth signs, they need to feel resourceful, useful and effective in order to be satisfied. They will keep working until they reach the top of the mountain, just like a slow and steady mountain goat. They're also smart when it comes to finding effective ways to get things done.



The humanitarians and the ruler of the house of friendship. They are very technical, advanced and are usually well-liked. Because they are the water-bearers and humanitarians in society, prejudices and biases are found offensive to Aquarians. Not to be mistaken with a water sign, Aquarians are air signs who are idealistic and especially friendly.



The most forgotten sign of the Zodiac. The last water sign. Pisces are very dreamy people and certainly artistic. However, between Cancers and Scorpios, they are very, tender and sensitive people. Unlike a typical Cancer or Scorpio where they are either passive aggressive or will seek revenge, Pisces will chase after people's friendships and continuously apologize even if they aren't in the wrong. They're also directionless because they're simply just trying to chase their dreamy thoughts.

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