Which Marvel Superhero You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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Which Marvel Superhero You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Truth be told, we all know Marvel is better than DC Comics, however that is another argument for another day, so look below to find out who you relate to in the Marvel Universe!

Which Marvel Superhero You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Wikimedia Commons

You're probably reading the title of this and thinking to yourself: really, another zodiac sign article?

Yes, another zodiac sign article. It is the one we've all been waiting for- and my personal favorite- the Marvel Universe Edition!

Truth be told, we all know Marvel is better than DC Comics, however that is another argument for another day, so look below to find out who you relate to in the Marvel Universe!

Aries (March 21st- April 19th)

There is no surprise that anti-hero Deadpool encompasses all of an Aries' worst and best traits. He is confident, honest, determined... as well as impatient, moody, impulsive and aggressive. The sarcasm has to come from somewhere, right?

Taurus (April 20th- May 20th)

Dr. Strange makes the perfect Taurus in my opinion. While some say he comes off as greedy and vain when he refuses to stop seeking the cure to heal his hands after his accident, I think that rather demonstrates the stubbornness, patience and devotion that is true to this zodiac sign.

Gemini (May 21st- June 20th)

I don't think there need be any explanation for why the Hulk would be considered a Gemini...

Cancer (June 21st- July 22nd)

Ant-Man lived a life of a thief before being recruited to assist the government and eventually becoming part of the Avengers. This is what leads me to believe he is a Cancer. He remains persuasive as always, sympathetic, suspicious and that persuasion can very easily turn into manipulation within a second!

Leo (July 23rd- August 22nd)

A natural born leader? Someone creative, passionate and humorous? You also can't forget stubborn, self-centered, lazy and inflexible. A Leo is drawn to taking holidays, attention from others and expensive things. No wonder why Iron Man makes the ideal Leo.

Virgo (August 23rd- September 22nd)

We've found him! Someone who is loyal, analytical, kind, practical, all work and no play and... wait.. all-American? Captain America belongs in no other zodiac than the Virgo itself.

Libra (September 23rd- October 22nd)

Who is Libra, you may ask? None other than your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! Our friend Spidey is very cooperative, fair-minded, avoids confrontation and hates injustices. He embraces his quirky nature, and his honesty is perfectly balanced with his empathy for others.

Scorpio (October 23rd- November 21st)

No one is more resourceful, brave, secretive or violent than one of the boldest (and best) Marvel Superheroes: Black Widow. Her sass and intelligence makes her queen of the Scorpio nation!

Sagittarius (November 22nd- December 21st)

Someone who is idealistic with a great sense of humor and an attitude? Definitely, Luke Cage. This Marvel character is high-key angry at the world, but very innovative and intelligent.

Capricorn (December 22nd- January 19th)

Thor is one of the most disciplined, responsible, know-it-all and unforgiving heroes in the Marvel Universe, which puts him into the Capricorn zodiac. I'm sure we can attribute all these traits to being raised by the one, the only, the all-powerful Odin.

Aquarius (January 20th- February 18th)

While Wolverine is usually associated with X-Men, he is very independent. This leads him to be progressive and original. However, this also leaves him with the tendency to run from emotional expression and be uncompromising.

Pisces (February 19th- March 20th)

Pisces are often sensitive, but very misinterpreted. Daredevil has that abundance of compassion and is overly trusting, but despite people's beliefs, for a good reason.

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