Here in Arizona, our Governor just declared a statewide lockdown beginning Tuesday night. All non-essential businesses are closed and we are not allowed to be outside after 5pm. At my house, I have done several things to keep my mind working in this weird time. First, I've made sure to keep up on my homework daily, as if I were actually in school. This keeps a routine for myself and helps me focus on what I need to get done. Next, I have actually decided to order a lego set. No, I am not 6 years old, and this lego set is actually challenging. It keep my mind working and allows me to be a little bit creative. My family hasn't left the house in days which is good if you ask me and I'm hoping life will return to normal by summer.
Student LifeMar 31, 2020
Meet the Reporter: What I'm doing to pass the quaran-time
As you know, coronavirus has shut down several schools across the country, including Arizona State.