Finally! The year has arrived for the 2016 Olympic Games held in Rio Brazil! Excitement, competition, love, and unity will be brought together with one event. Although many people are excited for these summer games, will it be postponed or moved to another country? The first outbreak of the Zika Virus was identified in Brazil and now spread throughout the world. This virus is transmitted by Aedes species of mosquitoes. While many outbreaks are minor for healthy adults, pregnant women are potentially in the greatest threat. Commonly, infected pregnant women incur a birth defect called Microcephaly causing harm to their child.
Many of the health organizations have confessed their concerns of holding the Olympics in the heart of the country where Zika is widely contracted. Told by BBC News, more than 100 scientist have informed WHO it is unethical to let the games continue. Although many studies show the impact it could have one the tourists the International Olympic Committee does not believe this may be a problem. Supposedly the risks of healthy adults (excluding pregnant women) are so rare, the situation is not harmful enough to postpone the games. If the games were moved to another area,where would you think it could be? The virus has spread so quickly, almost every country has a case of contraction.
As a active viewer of the Olympic Games, I would be devastated to watch Brazil be dethroned of holding the 2016 Games. The anticipation of knowing who would be the next home of the games was always the best surprise. I believe there may be many difficulties of sanitation and health hazards but hope everyone will be prepared for the worst. Researching ways of noticing symptoms, signs, and prevention is the clearest way to stay health. Knowing the chance of taking away such a privilege can be heartbreaking. But as of now, the 2016 Olympic Games will be scheduled for its regular date. We can all relax at home and watch the wondrous opening ceremony and the thrilling rivalries.