YouTube's Best Beauty Vloggers | The Odyssey Online
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YouTube's Best Beauty Vloggers

No one does beauty quite like these ladies.

YouTube's Best Beauty Vloggers
Nicole Guerriero, Jaclyn Hill, Ginger Wesson, Desi Perkins

If you're anything like me, you are beauty tutorial obsessed. You spend your free time on YouTube searching for the hottest new hair and makeup trends, and you have made connections with some of the best beauty vloggers in the game. If you aren't that savvy in the world of YouTube beauty tutorials, don't worry. I've done the work for you. Here are my four favorite beauty vloggers.

Nicole Guerriero

All you have to do is look at Nicole to know why you need to subscribe to her channel. Obviously, she knows what she's talking about, from her hair to her makeup, right down to the SNS powder on her nails. Nicole slays every single look she tries, and her Halloween tutorials are even more on point. You can't forget those often hilarious "Car Ride Chronicles," either. If you want true beauty tips, a badass personality, and a beautiful soul, Nicole is your girl.

Instagram: @nicoleguerriero
YouTube: nicoleguerriero
Twitter: @nguerriero19

Ginger Wesson

Are you a Harry Potter fan? Do you enjoy watching people get drunk and attempt to do makeup? Ginger is your girl. Every video includes a Harry Potter shirt and she in down right hilarious. Not only does she have amazing makeup skills, she's also a photographer, and posts some other pretty entertaining videos, as well. Ginger is a girl after my own heart and probably my favorite on the list. Suscribe to her channel, and follow her on social media below!

Instagram: @GingerWesson_
YouTube: GingerWLavender
Twitter: @GingerWesson

Jaclyn Hill

If you don't know who Jaclyn is, you're missing out! The queen of highlight with deep red hair, Jaclyn Hill is a ball of energy, with a hilarious personality. Her laugh is contagious and those makeup skills are the bomb. Whether it's a "Get Ready With Me," or a full glam look, Jaclyn's tutorials are always helpful, and so is her honesty. Don't forget to grab some of her Champagne Pop by Becca Cosmetics for that Jaclyn like glow!

Instagram: @JaclynHill
YouTube: Jaclynhill1
Twitter: @Jaclynhill

Desi Perkins

A perfect mix between Jennifer Lopez and Selena Quintanilla, Desi Perkins is a little firecracker. She is beautiful, funny, and those brows stay on fleek. Her contour is flawless, and she always has the brightest highlight. If you have not subscribed to Desi on YouTube or do not follow her Instagram, I suggest you do so as soon as possible.

Instagram: @desiperkins
YouTube: DesireePerkinsMakeUp
Twitter: @DesiPerkins
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