YouTubers to watch | The Odyssey Online
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10 YouTubers Who Are More Entertaining Than Any TV Show

This is who everyone has been talking about.

Shane Dawson

In the past few years, YouTube has blown up. Before now, YouTubers weren't really talked about in everyday conversations. Today, YouTubers are starting to become mainstream celebrities. My friends and I now regularly talk about the latest videos from some of our favorites, and we aren't the only ones who are watching and talking. There are so many channels that have over 10 million subscribers each. The biggest YouTuber, Pewdiepie, has upwards of 65 million subscribers. I've been regularly watching YouTubers for about eight years now, so I've seen a lot of videos from a lot of different creators. For anyone who wants to get into watching YouTube or wants to find new creators to watch, here are my top 10 favorite YouTubers.

1. Shane Dawson

One of the first YouTubers I ever watched and my favorite of all time is Shane Dawson. Shane has been uploading videos for over ten years. In this time, his content has changed dramatically from sketches to trying random foods and products to the documentary-style videos he uploads now. In these videos, he, his boyfriend, Ryland, and friends Garrett, Morgan, and Andrew visit haunted locations, try new things, and interview other famous YouTubers. While being serious, all of his videos are hilarious. Definitely a must-watch.

2. James Charles

James Charles has only rose to fame in the past couple of years, but he already has over seven million subscribers. He is famous for his makeup skills, creative makeup looks, and catchphrases such as "sister" and "good and fresh". I don't watch many makeup videos, but I consistently watch his. His videos are just entertaining, whether you are into makeup or not. This is due to the fact that he doesn't just upload tutorials, but also various makeup challenges and videos with his brother, Ian.

3. Philip DeFranco

Considering the fact that I don't have cable, I never watch the news. As my replacement, I watch Philip DeFranco. Like Shane, Philip has been uploading videos for years. In his videos, he discusses the most breaking news in pop culture, YouTube, America, and the world. With his fast-paced, upbeat reporting, you get all the news you need in a more entertaining way than watching CNN or reading the New York Times.

4. Joe Sugg

Joe Sugg, or Thatcher Joe, is a British YouTuber who started YouTube because of his sister, who is a huge YouTuber by the name of Zoe Sugg, or Zoella. While Zoe's videos center more around home-making, beauty, and clothes, Joe does more challenges and reacting to his audience. Joe is a member of the "Buttercream Gang", which also consists of his friends and fellow YouTubers Caspar Lee, Oli White, Josh Pieters, Conor Maynard, Jack Maynard, and Mikey Pearce, and frequently makes videos with them. Definitely watch his videos for a good laugh.

5. Tana Mongeau

Tana Mongeau is the storytime queen. She is known best for her crazy life stories, but she also uploads vlogs and other random videos. Although controversial, she is one of the most hilarious YouTubers out there. Her crazy life and consistent bad luck lead to very interesting stories that you don't realize you've been listening to for over 30 minutes. Since most of her videos are storytimes, she is definitely an easy YouTuber to listen to while working out, driving, etc. without actually watching the video.

6. Emma Chamberlain

I actually found Emma Chamberlain through her collaboration with Tana Mongeau. They are very similar with their hilarious, outspoken personalities. Although she is only 17 and has only been making videos for about a year, Emma has blown up recently with almost four million subscribers. She is known for uploading vlogs with unique editing that only adds to the comedy of the original video. Her videos often feature her friends and fellow YouTubers Ellie Thumann and Hannah Meloche. She is definitely my favorite new YouTuber.

7. The Try Guys

The Try Guys was originally a series on the Buzzfeed channel, but they recently broke away to start their own thriving channel. Consisting of four friends, Eugene Lee Yang, Keith Habersberger, Ned Fulmar, and Zach Kornfeld, The Try Guys are known for trying things, as their name states. However, they try crazy things that the average person probably wouldn't try. Their videos are both funny and very interesting.

8. Molly Burke

Molly Burke is definitely the most unique YouTuber on this list. I found her through the series she did with Shane Dawson a few months ago. Molly is legally blind, so her channels centers around her and her life as a blind girl. Her videos are so informative, entertaining, and interesting that you'll immediately get hooked. Since she has first-hand experience with the issues she discusses, you learn answers to questions you didn't even know you had.

9. David Dobrik

David Dobrik's videos are definitely the shortest videos on this list. Averaging at about five minutes each, his videos are vlogs of his daily life but cut to only show the most interesting and funny parts. Since they are so short, his videos are so easy to binge watch and leave you wanting more. In his videos, you frequently see his friends and fellow YouTubers Liza Koshy, Jason Nash, Trisha Paytas, and many others. Definitely give his videos a try- they're only five minutes long.

10. Jenna Marbles

Also an OG YouTuber, Jenna Marbles is iconic. Remember that weird "How To Avoid Talking To People You Don't Want To Talk To" viral video you watched in middle school? Yeah, that was Jenna. Jenna Marbles is a hilarious YouTuber known for making videos that involve her dog, DIY beauty, stupid ideas given to her by fans, and her boyfriend and fellow YouTuber, Julien Solomita. Although her videos are often very stupid ideas, they are absolutely hilarious. She tries things that no one else would ever think to do. Like Shane, she is definitely a must-watch.

So yeah. Watching YouTube is popular now. Check out at least one of these YouTubers, and you'll understand the hype. These videos are more entertaining than mainstream television.

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