10 YouTubers, New And Old, That Deserve Your Subscription | The Odyssey Online
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10 YouTubers That Deserve Your Subscription

The YouTube wormhole is worth it.

10 YouTubers That Deserve Your Subscription

YouTube may have begun due to Nipple Gate, but the platform has come a long way since then. From grainy home videos to high-quality content, YouTube offers an enormous variety of content. Of course, some channels are just inherently better than others, so it's important to know which are really worth the subscription. I spend probably way too much time on YouTube pretty much daily watching, laughing, and enjoying videos; here are some of my favorite channels.


I am not a science-y person, so the only way I can tolerate it is through watching AsapSCIENCE videos. It's run by two Canadian men who tackle scientific topics and questions through engaging whiteboard drawings. Some topics they've explored include singleness, vegetarianism, video games, dreams, and technology, just to name a few.

2. CinemaSins

CinemaSins reviews movies – the Harry Potter series, Black Panther, Fifty Shades, and Beauty & The Beast, for example – and awards them "sins." These are points in the movie that Jeremy Scott and Chris Atkinson, the founders, find problematic, however humorous the reason. It's not meant to be seen as a serious review but rather is comical. Living by their slogan, "no movie is without sin," they pick apart films for pure entertainment.

3. Colleen Ballinger

Colleen is the woman that created and portrays Miranda Sings on her other YouTube channel. On her personal channel, she is completely different from Miranda. Her videos are fun to watch because they are very down-to-earth and entertaining. Her videos include reviewing products, writing original songs, and playing with her cats. Recently, she announced her engagement and pregnancy with her costar from her Netflix show, Haters Back Off, so the next several months promises cute videos related to the baby.

4. Gabbie Hanna (aka The Gabbie Show)

Former Vine comedian-turned-YouTuber, Gabbie's YouTube channel offers a large variety of entertainment. She is well-liked for her story time videos, rants, remaking Musical.ly videos, and doing fun collabs with other YouTubers. She even has recently broken into the music industry with original songs. Gabbie also isn't afraid to be candid, sharing her struggles with exercise, dieting, body positivity, weight loss, and mental health.

5. Kitchen Nightmares

This channel features segments and compilations from Gordon Ramsey's hit show "Kitchen Nightmares." If you've ever seen the show – or heard of Ramsey's temperament – you'll know what makes this show stand out from other cooking shows. These videos are great for destressing, knowing that other people have much bigger and more serious problems than you.

6. Matthew Santoro

Santoro is most popular for his fact videos as well as his skits. He dabbles in the creepy, the weird, and the hilarious in his fact videos, compiled by topic. In the past, he has also made entertaining skits. Like Gabbie Hanna, Santoro is honest about his mental health and past relationship abuse.

7. Molly Burke

Though Molly is one of the smaller YouTubers on this list, she still produces incredible content. She was born with a rare eye condition and became blind at age 14. Her channel focuses on helping people understand what it's like to be blind and how they can be compassionate towards any blind people they know. Her past videos have explained how she uses her guide dog, how she uses technology, how she dates, and answers popular questions viewers ask her. Watching her videos have honestly changed the way I think about being blind, and though I don't know any blind people, I feel like Molly's videos have made me better equipped for if I do.

8. Rob Dyke

A smaller YouTuber, Rob explores both the funny and creepy. For his comedy, he does skits and makes fun of the internet; for his darker content, he explores serial killers, disappearances, urban legends, and the unexplainable.

9. shane (aka Shane Dawson)

I have only been watching Shane for a few weeks, but he is already one of my favorite YouTubers. Honestly, his videos really don't have a theme, but they are all incredibly entertaining. No matter if Shane is just vlogging his day, trying weird hacks, or inventing recipes, I can always count on laughing through the entire thing.

10. Superwoman (aka Lilly Singh)

Lilly has one of the biggest channels on the platform, contributing to the fact that her content is engaging and her videos often feature big names, like The Rock, Will Smith, Hilary Duff, John Legend, and several more. She also has a popular series of Types of People, such as Types of People in Horror Movies, On Their Birthday, You Date in College, and In the Airport.

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