Television was such a groundbreaking concept back in its prime. Everyone seemed to think that the fad of television would never die, but is it already on it's way out? If you go anywhere nowadays, you'll see a child on their mom's iPhone engrossed in some type of Youtube video. One that baffles many older people is the unboxing videos? What's the big hype about that? What's so interesting about unboxing videos?
As an avid YouTube fan myself, I can vouch for these younger kids. YouTube is the next big thing to push TV out of the limelight, and I think it's here to stay. Sure, we said that about television and it could easily be replaced in a few years, but that is besides the point. I believe YouTube will be a more powerful source of knowledge and entertainment than TV. Plenty of these online content creators have crossed over into "mainstream media". I use that term in quotes because YouTube is mainstream media. I know I'm not the only one who goes to the internet for news and entertainment. It is my top website, and I'm kept informed from numerous news channels and different perspectives. There are different channels to get pop culture information from or even every day news
It's also managed to get the point across before our attention spans are lost. The younger generation isn't the best at keeping in touch with reality, but the world needs to give us some credit. Also, getting valid information within 15 minutes has proven to be more effective.
These YouTube personalities have become so much easier to relate to. They aren't big timers all about Hollywood. They do things for their subscribers, and they make it personal. Most people turn to YouTube to find something they can't in the real world: a friend who will be there. They interact with fans on Twitter, set up meet and greets; they'll do anything to give back to the people who support them. They're down to earth. I guess they are popular because it shows that "celebrities" really are normal people like us.
What do you think? Is YouTube the new groundbreaking concept that'll give TV a run for its money?