Why is it that I have an obsession with Youtube? What is it about the site that makes me happy? Exactly how many hours did I just spend watching all of those videos? Yes, these are questions that I ask myself frequently and yes, the answers that I come up with are incredibly ridiculous, but we all have our guilty pleasure. Right? Well, here are some of the main reasons why I am obsessed with Youtube and you may think that I am crazy, but part of me still believes that Youtube is worth my time and energy.
1. It fills a void in my life
Honestly, everyone may think that this is an extremely sad thing to say but when I thought about it, I realized how true it was. For example, if I am feeling like I need to see more love in the world I watch a wedding video or an animal rescue video or anything that brings about those warm and fuzzy feelings. If I want to have a few good tears I watch a soldier coming home video because that really gets me. So, whatever emotion I feel like I am needing that day and cannot get from my current surroundings I go to Youtube.
2. The music videos
For some odd reason I love watching music videos. I grew up dancing and so I like to see what choreographers do with certain pieces of music and I also love a good story. So, if I am able to watch a music video that has a killer song and captivating video, I can 100% guarantee that I will like the song ten million times more. All because of the music video and I guess partly because of the song too.
3. The tutorials
I mean who doesn't love an awesome tutorial? On Youtube you can literally find a tutorial for anything! You want to learn how to build a birdhouse? Search it on Youtube. Maybe you want to learn how to get the perfect highlighter look? Youtube is your best friend. Perhaps, you wanted to find out exactly how to solve the most difficult calculus equation in the world and you don't know where to even begin. People, Youtube has got your back!
4. Vloggers
Haha. This is a classic because Youtube is known for making people that shouldn't be famous, famous. Why in the world did I just spend 21 minutes and 34 seconds watching Emma Chamberlain talk about the clothes haul she just got? Who knows, but I was thoroughly intrigued by the clothes that she was putting together for her Coachella trip. The vloggers make my world go round.