How many times have you thought yourself " I wish I had her legs" " I wish I was as skinny as him/her" " it's not fair how smart she is!" " I wish I could play a sport as good as they can." Every day, we see magazines, Facebook's, Instagram posts of people that we believe are "Prettier" than us, "better" than us. We are constantly reminded that we aren't skinny enough, not smart enough, not active enough, not good enough. But I say, Fuck that.
Everyone has the one special thing they bring to the table! Whether it be your talent for dancing, singing, cooking, math, soccer, tennis, your beautiful eyes, or dazzling smile, everyone is unique in their own way! We were all made differently for a reason — If everyone was the exact same, the world would be boring as hell! The girl over there that you wish you were as pretty as, wishes she looked like you!
Someone once told me, "Do not underestimate yourself by comparing yourself with others. It's our differences that make us unique and define just how special we are." Being a teenage girl living in today's day and age I am constantly told that I'm not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not smart enough, in result it definitely affects how I see and think about myself! The people of the 21st century are told they have to adjust themselves to fit the likes of the world.
As cliche as it sounds, I was listening to the radio and Colbie Caillat got it spot on! In the song TRY... " Put your makeup on, get your nails done, Curl your hair, run the extra mile, keep it slim so they like you, do you like you?" DO YOU LIKE YOU?! That's the only question you should be asking yourself at the end of the day! Not if he likes you, not if she likes you, but do YOU like you?
Beauty comes from the inside out and not from the outside in. Someone who hates their insides but everyone loves there outside goes to bed sad, empty, and overall unsatisfied. However, someone who loves themselves from inside out finishes the day with a smile on there face! Loving yourself is the most attractive feature one can have!
So who cares if person next to you has the eye color you want? Accept and love yourself for what you have! Embrace whatcha mama gave you and show the world you are beautiful no matter what! be bold, be beautiful, and be YOU!