This week, I have spent a lot of time wondering what my next article was going to be about. I know that I have written quite a lot about myself in my past two articles. My struggles, my fears, my faith and so on. So I thought to myself, "What does every college student need to hear? What is something they desire to read about?"
College students want to relate to other people. I know I do. It's nice to feel like you're not alone in a world that can cause so much hurt and pain.
My whole life, I have struggled with something everyone on the face of the planet has struggled with. Insecurities. They swallow you up and make you want to crawl in a hole. That might be a little exaggerated to you, but I've felt that way a countless amount of times.
The enemy will feed us things like this:
"You're not enough."
"Your past will never go away."
" God isn't hearing your prayers.
"The situation you're in is never going to change."
"You're not worthy of a godly husband."
Satan has fed us lies our whole life about who we are. We've been told that we aren't good enough. That we aren't worthy enough. That we need to try this new diet or try that new brand of clothes because the way we look won't impress anyone. And to be honest, I've believed all of these lies for a really long time. I am still in the process of unlearning them. I'm learning that I am enough. And so are you.
Thanks to Priscilla Shirer's "The Armor of God,"my entire perspective on the struggles that I face have changed, especially my insecurities. When you think about the most difficult circumstance that you are facing in your life right now, you are obviously frustrated with that problem, person or whatever it might be. For me, it's my insecurities. I was angry at myself for "not doing enough" to prepare for my future. I was even angry at myself for skipping leg day at the gym because I assumed I was just going to gain 100 pounds for choosing to sit on my butt for 12 hours instead (you know you've had that moment).
But here's the thing: It's not us or anyone else we should be upset with. It's the enemy! That might sound a little crazy to you, but his tactic is to tear us down when we are at our weakest point. For me, I was at my weakest point last week, and he knew exactly what would bring me down at that point in time.
Good news, though, people: Our God is stronger.
The next time you start to feel insecure or get frustrated with life, with God, with Mom or Dad, even with your boyfriend or girlfriend (God knows that happens often), remember this:
We are facing a battle every day with the devil himself over our thoughts, our relationships and our temptations. But we also have the resources that God has given us to not only fight back but win.
"Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon."
Ephesians 6:13-16