"Are you anorexic? Do you ever eat? How are you so tiny? Go get a burger or something. Guys don't like sticks. You're not a woman without curves. " Let me stop there before the entire article is just things people have said to me because I'm skinny. Yes, I have personally heard every one of those and many more comments on my size. The most frequent one would be asking if I ever eat. I promise I do and to be honest, I probably eat more than the person asking.
I accept that I am tiny in every way. I'm only 4'11" and weigh roughly 100lbs. To me, that is an accomplishment. I have worked hard to reach that healthy weight. Reaching this weight has honestly been a goal for me for a very long time. That being said, I also work hard to maintain it. For me that consists of eating ice cream after a hard workout. Trust me, I know that's not normal and I get so many dirty looks because of it. However, I do what it takes to avoid even more comments and dirty looks. Yes, I get dirty looks for being skinny.
I will completely own up to there being times I won't eat. Sometimes on purpose and sometimes I honestly forget to. Thanks to skinny shaming, I also hate to eat in front of people (sorry boys that I've turned down dates with). I eat a lot. We're talking way more than many people think is possible. Often times when that happens all I hear is, "Where does it all go?" If I ever find out I'll happily let everyone know.
Skinny shaming happens every day. It happens as much as fat shaming even though many people would disagree. Neither are okay. If you do either, well you just need something better to do with your time. Everyone is perfect how they are. Curves or no curves. I may be a "stick" but I rock what I have and that should be all that matters. So, pop quiz time.
When is it ever okay to comment on someone's size?
-That's right, never!
What should you say to that overly skinny girl walking across campus?
-Nothing! (Unless it is telling her how beautiful she is. I will allow that.)
What is the difference between a girl with curves and a girl without?
-Absolutely nothing. We are all perfect just the way we are.
Now that we're all on the same page, love yourself. No matter what size you are. Size does not matter. Ever. You are beautiful. You are exactly how you are meant to be. Try loving yourself, including all your flaws. It will make a major difference in your life. Rock your size, no matter what it may be.