My dear girl, do not feel bad for the tears you cry over that immature boy.
Do not feel bad for the fact that you still want him despite the heartbreak and pain he caused you.
Do not feel bad that it's been months, but your heart still aches at times.
Do not feel ashamed when a countless amount of people tell you that you should not miss him, yet you still do.
Your feelings are normal, especially if this was the first boy to ever leave when you gave him your all.
Though you should not feel bad for these things, please realize something. Please realize that you were too much of a woman for him to handle, and that my darling, that's a good thing. You wouldn't want to end up with him anyway. You would not want to end up with someone who finds you too direct, too independent, or someone who does not give you the respect and attention you require.
He left because he couldn't handle you and that's the biggest blessing you could ever receive. God took him out of your life because you prayed for a man that was made for you, and he was not it. God was saving you from even more heartache in the future. He needed to grow up, tremendously, in order to get to the level that you were already on. And that required your absence. Why continue to bang on the door that has already closed? Do not look back unless that's the direction you plan on going. God will open another door when you are ready - He’ll know when your heart has fully healed so that you can love another. Far too often, the brokenhearted break even more hearts because they are not ready to love.
Before you question whether or not he left because of something you did, remind yourself that he left because he was not ready for you. He was not ready for the amount of love you could have given him. He was not ready to handle the disagreements between the two of you. Your charm and your endearing, dominant and independent personality was too much for him. He'll realize sooner or later that the love you surrounded him with will be hard to find from someone else. By that time, however, your cuts will have been healed, and you will have already moved on to bigger and better things.
A strong woman is not meant for a weak man. A strong woman needs a warrior; a fighter. She needs someone who will argue with her, not let her win. She needs someone who will not feel the need to break her down in order to feel powerful. You'll know when you're with a man who can handle the roaring lioness inside you. That man won't leave you like the boy who did.