Being southern comes with its own set of expectations. You know you're from the south when:
1. It's a crime when you don't eat seafood.
Guess I'm a criminal, seafood disgusts me. To most people sea food, especially crawfish, is the best thing in the world.
2. Sweet tea is your favorite drink.
Every restaurant, gas station, and grocery store sells it. You are also shocked when you go up North and it is not sold.
3. Grits are eaten with everything.
Every meal can contain grits in some way, shape, or form. Shocked when you go North and grits are called Cream of Wheat. PS it does not taste the same.
4. Ya'll is a word.
In the North if you say ya'll people will think you are insane, but here in the south ya'll is a word used every day.
5. You have a true "farmers" tan.
You know the tan where it starts where a t-shirt ends.
6. You go barefoot everywhere!
Who needs shoes when you are in the south?
7. You don't go to the beach that often.
The beach is usually crowded with snowbirds so it isn't as fun as it used to be when you were a kid to go.
8. When you aren't scared of a hurricane.
Hurricanes happen all the time in the south so if one comes and it is only a category one no one panics.
9. You hate lovebugs!
When you want all lovebugs to die because they are everywhere in the "fall." They get all over your cars and won't leave you alone!
10. You are used to not having four seasons.
Most southern states only have summer and winter. We don't know anything about fall and spring. I wonder what those seasons feel like?
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