Being a member of a sorority, I am often asked what Greek life is really like and what Sigma Kappa means to me. This often tends to be a difficult question for me to answer when put on the spot. Sigma Kappa has done so much for me during my past two years of college, more for me than I ever imagined possible. So what is a sisterhood, like Sigma Kappa really like?
“Sisterhood is so many wonderful things. It’s a warm smile on a cold and rainy day, a friendly hug, a cheerful hello…It’s all that a good and lasting friendship is. It’s treasured. It’s sacred. It’s dreams shared and goals achieved. It’s counting on others and being counted on. It is real. It is Sigma Kappa.”
Here are a few things that I think make a Sigma Kappa...
1. "Come on Eileen" is one of your favorite songs.
When that song comes on, you stop everything you’re doing and have a full out jam session. You know every word to it and you have to be sure everyone around you knows the words by the time the song ends. This isn’t just a song on the movie, Perks of Being a Wallflower.
2. You live one heart, one way. Every single day.
3. You are very quick to correct somebody when they try to say your Greek letters are “E, K”.
We are SK, not EK.
4. You know the struggle of finding a dove stuffed animal for Big/Little.
No matter where you shop, you can never seem to find a stuffed dove. You have learned that it is just easier to paint a dove onto a canvas, than trying to buy a stuffed dove from a store.
5. Pearls hold a more significant meaning to you.
They even make you feel a little more srat, but you only wear them for several occasions.
6. You recycle and are even more concerned about the earth than before you became a Sigma Kappa.
You take the philanthropy, Inherit the Earth to heart. You love the earth more than anyone should.
7. You never pass up an opportunity for food.
You are always racing to be in the front of the food line.
8. Triangles are your favorite shape.
Who knew a triangle could be so cool?
9. You are always kind, loving, and loyal.
10. Friendship isn’t just a value, it’s a way of life.
Sisters always come before misters.
11. You love telling people that Sigma Kappa is a reason why Alzheimer’s main color is purple.
You get very annoyed when somebody can’t pronounce Alzheimer’s correctly. (It is AlZheimer’s, not All Timers.)
12. You might not have never imagined you would love the color lavender or purple, but you have learned to appreciate it.
You make sure to correct whoever thinks your colors are red/dark pink. They are lavender and maroon!
13. All of your sisters have different majors because we are Sigma Kappas.
While we hold the same values, we all have different personalities. We are all unique individuals. We are individually unique, but together complete.
14. You know that you cannot buy a wild purple violet from a florist.
Sigma Kappa fun fact: Our philanthropies spell out the word, Sigma.
S-igma Kappa Foundation
I-nherit the Earth
M-aine Sea Coast Mission
15. You live out Sigma Kappa’s values of personal growth, friendship, service and loyalty every day.
16. You have at least one canvas that has a heart, a dove, or the words “One Heart, One Way” painted on it.
17. You are always down to throw what you know, wherever you go.
18. You are willing to take as many pictures that you can to get the perfect shot.
Sigma Kappa is stumbling up the back stairs and walking confidently out the front door.